Sitzung Gruppe Schengen-Besitzstand und Gemischter Ausschuss (EU/Island/Norwegen/Schweiz/Liechtenstein) am 20./21.4.2009 (11358/EU XXIV.GP)

RAT: CM 1612/09

EU-V: Tagesordnung

Sitzung Gruppe Schengen-Besitzstand und Gemischter Ausschuss (EU/Island/Norwegen/Schweiz/Liechtenstein) am 20./21.4.2009

Gruppe: Schengen-Besitzstand, Gemischter Ausschuss (EU / Island / Norwegen / Schweiz / Liechtenstein)

betrifft Sitzungen am 20.04.2009 und 21.04.2009

Eingelangt am 27.04.2009, Bundesministerium für Inneres (BMI-LR2210/0138-I/7/2009)

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
27.04.2009 RAT: 8638/09 EUB
Schengen evaluation of Switzerland - Schengen border CH-FL - First quarterly report Note from the Swiss delegation (11362/EU XXIV.GP)
27.04.2009 RAT: 8641/09 EUB
New Schengen catalogue of recommendations for the correct application of the Schengen acquis and of best practices in the field of data protection (11363/EU XXIV.GP)
07.05.2009 RAT: 9154/09 EUB
Outcome of proceedings of the Schengen evaluation Working Party (11955/EU XXIV.GP)
07.05.2009 RAT: 9155/09 EUB
Outcome of proceedings of the Schengen evaluation Working Party (11956/EU XXIV.GP)
RAT: 15536/08 Schengen evaluation of SWITZERLAND - Follow-up - Compendium/DECLASSIFICATION (67312/EU XXVI.GP)
RAT: 16597/08 Updated Catalogue of Recommendations for the correct application of the Schengen Acquis and Best practices: Issuing of visas (3291/EU XXIV.GP)
RAT: 16613/08 Updated Catalogue of recommendations for the correct application of the Schengen acquis and best practices: part on the Schengen Information System (3292/EU XXIV.GP)
RAT: 5226/09 Schengen evaluation under Czech Presidency (Jan-Jun 2009) - Draft calendar (7890/EU XXIV.GP)
RAT: 6100/09 Schengen evaluation of GERMANY - Reply to additional question put forward by the Commission/DECLASSIFICATION (8044/EU XXVII.GP)
RAT: 7348/09 Vorschlag für eine Verordnung des Rates zur Einführung eines Evaluierungsmechanismus für die Überprüfung der Anwendung des Schengen-Besitzstands (9078/EU XXIV.GP)
RAT: 7349/09 Vorschlag für einen Beschluss des Rates zur Einführung eines Evaluierungsmechanismus für die Überwachung der Anwendung des Schengen-Besitzstands (9079/EU XXIV.GP)
RAT: 7404/09 Schengen evaluation of BELGIUM - Report on the Schengen Police Cooperation evaluation (Feb. 2009)/DECLASSIFICATION (8334/EU XXVII.GP)
RAT: 7405/09 Schengen evaluation of THE NETHERLANDS - Report on the Schengen Police Cooperation evaluation (Feb. 2009)/DECLASSIFICATION (8103/EU XXVII.GP)
RAT: 7406/09 Schengen evaluation of LUXEMBOURG - Report on the Schengen Police Cooperation evaluation (Feb. 2009)/DECLASSIFICATION (8104/EU XXVII.GP)
RAT: 8630/09 Report on the Schengen Police Cooperation evaluation of Germany (Feb. 2009)/DECLASSIFICATION (8105/EU XXVII.GP)
RAT: 8631/09 Report on the Schengen Police Cooperation evaluation of France (Feb. 2009)/DECLASSIFICATION (8106/EU XXVII.GP)
RAT: 8632/09 Schengen evaluation of BELGIUM - Draft report on Data Protection/DECLASSIFICATION (8107/EU XXVII.GP)
RAT: 8633/09 Schengen evaluation of THE NETHERLANDS - Draft report on Data Protection/DECLASSIFICATION (8171/EU XXVII.GP)
RAT: 8634/09 Schengen evaluation of LUXEMBOURG - Draft report on Data Protection/DECLASSIFICATION (8173/EU XXVII.GP)
RAT: 8635/09 Schengen evaluation of GERMANY - Draft report on Data Protection/DECLASSIFICATION (8175/EU XXVII.GP)
RAT: 8637/09 Schengen evaluation of FRANCE - Draft report on Data Protection/DECLASSIFICATION (8176/EU XXVII.GP)
RAT: 8638/09 Schengen evaluation of Switzerland - Schengen border CH-FL - First quarterly report Note from the Swiss delegation (11362/EU XXIV.GP)
RAT: 8639/09 Schengen evaluation of Switzerland - Draft Council conclusions on the follow-up to the Schengen evaluation conducted in 2008/DECLASSIFICATION (8177/EU XXVII.GP)
RAT: 8641/09 New Schengen catalogue of recommendations for the correct application of the Schengen acquis and of best practices in the field of data protection (11363/EU XXIV.GP)
Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
07.05.2009 RAT: 9154/09 EUB
Outcome of proceedings of the Schengen evaluation Working Party (11955/EU XXIV.GP)