Declaration concerning the competence of the Republic of Austria with regard to matters governed by the Agreement on the implementation of the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks


The Republic of Austria declares upon ratification of the Agreement on the implementation of the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks that she has, as a Member State of the European Community, transferred competence to the Community in respect of the following matters governed by the Agreement:


I. Matters for which the Community has exclusive competence

1. Member States have transferred competence to the Community with regard to the conservation and management of living marine resources. Hence, in this field, it is for the Community to adopt the relevant rules and regulations (which the Member States enforce) and within its competence to enter into external undertakings with third States or competent organisations.
This competence applies in regard of waters under national fisheries jurisdiction and to the high seas.


2. The Community enjoys the regulatory competence granted under international law to the flag State of a vessel to determine the conservation and management measures for marine fisheries resources applicable to vessels flying the flag of Member States and to ensure that Member States adopt provisions allowing for the implementation of the said measures.


3. Nevertheless, measures applicable in respect of masters and other officers of fishing vessels, for example refusal, withdrawal or suspension of authorisations to serve as such, are within the competence of the Member States in accordance with their national legislation.
Measures relating to the exercise of jurisdiction by the flag State over its vessels on the high seas, in particular provisions such as those related to the taking and relinquishing of control of fishing vessels by States other than the flag State, international cooperation in respect of enforcement and the recovery of the control of their vessels, are within the competence of the Member States in compliance with Community law.

II. Matters for which both the Community and its Member States have competence

4. The Community shares competence with its Member States on the following matters governed by this Agreement: requirements of developing States, scientific research, port-State measures and measures adopted in respect of non-members of regional fisheries organisations and non-Parties to the Agreement.
The following provisions of the Agreement apply both to the Community and to its Member States:
- general provisions: (Articles 1, 4 and 34 to 50),
- dispute settlement: (Part VIII).