The Government of the Republic of India and the Government of Republic of Austria hereinafter referred to as “Parties“,


Recognising that the scientific-technological co-operation on the basis of mutual benefit and equality is one of the most important bases of the relationship between the Parties and at the same time an element to secure the stability in the world,


With regard to the positive experience in the field of scientific-technological co-operation between the Parties and the necessity to improve this relationship for mutual benefit,


Taking into account the rapid growth of the scientific-technological knowledge as well as the internationalisation of science and technology,


Wishing to improve the co-operation between the Parties in the field of science and technology according to the political, economic and social conditions,


Accepting the importance to improve the co-ordination of the Indian-Austrian relationship in the fields of science and technology,


Have agreed as follows:


Article 1


The Parties shall support in accordance with the national laws and on the basis of mutual benefit, the development of the scientific-technological co-operation in consideration of the national priorities in the fields of science and technology.


Article 2


(1) The Parties shall encourage and support the development of direct scientific-technological co-operation between universities and higher education institutions, Academies of Sciences, research centers for science and technology and other institutions.


(2) The Parties shall support the participation of scientists, researchers and experts of the two countries in joint projects in the framework of existing and future international programmes in conformity with their respective national laws.


Article 3


The co-operation provided for in Article 1 shall comprise especially:


1. Exchange of scientific and technological information, documentation and publications;

2. Exchange of scientists, researchers and experts within bilateral projects approved by the Parties to implement the scientific-technological co-operation;

3. Exchange of scientists, researchers and experts for consultations, symposia and special studies;

4. Realisation and support of joint scientific-technological events and other scientific programmes such as joint workshops, seminars, etc. in considering initiatives of multilateral character with the possibility to mutually provide scientific material, scientific instruments and equipment.


Article 4


     (1) According to this agreement there is no direct financial transaction between the Parties. For bilateral projects provided for in Article 3, each Party shall cover the travel costs for persons they will send and the hospitality costs (including accommodation, meals or a per diem) for persons they will receive and they will be helpful, if necessary, to find an adequate housing.


     (2) The financial support for the bilateral projects shall be used for the mobility of scientists, researchers and experts.


      (3) The organisations of the sending Parties shall assure that the scientists, researchers and experts are sufficiently insured for health.


Article 5


      (1) For the implementation of this agreement the Parties shall establish a Joint Committee for         scientific and technological co-operation.


     (2) The tasks of the Joint Committee shall be mainly:

1.    Discussion on policy matters related to the implementation of this agreement;

2.    Formulation of periodic Working Programmes specifying collaborative activities and general and financial terms for supporting them.

3.    Definition of fields for co-operation;

4.    Definition of modes and forms of co-operation;

5.    Review of the scientific-technological co-operation;


     (3) The Joint Committee can, if necessary, establish task forces for defined areas of the co-operation as well as invite experts to the meetings of the Joint Committee.


     (4) The Joint Committee shall meet in India and in Austria alternately at a date set by both Parties through usual channels preferably every two years.


     (5) The working language in the Joint Committee will be English.


Article 6


     The intellectual property rights arising from the co-operative activities under this Agreement shall be regulated by implementing arrangements between the co-operating organisations of the Parties. Intellectual property protection shall be subject to the international agreements on intellectual property law, which are in force for both the Republic of India and the Republic of Austria and to the respective national laws in force.


Article 7


     (1) Authorities responsible for the implementation of this agreement are the Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology in the Republic of India and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture in the Republic of Austria.


     (2) Among the tasks for implementation according to Article 1 are the following:

            1. Call for proposals according to Article 3, paragraph 2,

            2. Evaluation of the proposals,

            3. Selection and approval of the projects,


Article 8


     The Parties shall consult each other through diplomatic channels if any disputes concerning the interpretation or the implementation of this Agreement arise.


Article 9


     (1) This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the third month, which follows the month, in which the Parties have informed each other in writing through diplomatic notes, that their national requirements for the entry into force have been fulfilled.


     (2) This Agreement shall remain in force until either Party notifies the other Party of its intention to terminate this Agreement in writing through diplomatic channels. The termination of this Agreement shall be effective within six months from the date of the above mentioned notification.


     (3) This Agreement may be modified or amended only upon the consent of both Parties in writing.


     (4) The termination of this Agreement shall not affect ongoing joint projects based on this Agreement and not finished at the time of termination.





Done at-----------------in two originals each in Hindi, German and English languages on the---------------------day of-------------in the year Two Thousand and , all texts being equally authentic but in case of doubt the English text shall prevail.



For the Government of the                                          For the Government of the

Republic of Austria                                          Republic of India


Name:                                                                        Name:


Designation:                                                                Designation: