Dear Madam/Sir,

I want to express my warmest congratulations for your plans to ban smoking in many public venues. It shows that the Austrian government values the health of its citizens and wants to invest in  health of the future generations.


The Finnish experience shows  that the legislation as such is not enough but it needs full implementation, measures that guarantee the success in practise. According to our studies after introducing smokefree legislation there was a remarkable  and clear decrease in employee exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in workplaces. Strikingly, employees with less education showed a proportionally larger decrease in smoking prevalence after implementation of the smokefree legislation.


In addition, several Finnish  opinion polls show that  people are strongly supporting smokefree bars and restaurants,  even most of the smokers support the ban. The legislation did not have negative impact on business or behaviour of their customers.


This is why, it is extremely important that your smokefree legislation enters into force as soon as possible. There is no reason to endanger the health of people.


Once again congratulations on your efforts and  I wish you every success with your plans.


Best regards,

Mervi Hara


Mervi Hara

Toiminnanjohtaja/Executive directive

Suomen ASH ry/Finland´s ASH

Kornetintie 6 A

00380 Helsinki, FINLAND

Mobile +358 50 460 2324


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