Council Decision (EU) 2020/2252 of 29 December 2020 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, and on provisional application of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the other part, and of the Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning security procedures for exchanging and protecting classified information (Official Journal of the European Union L 444 of 31 December 2020) (49179/EU XXVII.GP)

RAT: 5869/21 PUBLIC
mehrsprachig (Orginalsprache englisch)

EU-V: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Council Decision (EU) 2020/2252 of 29 December 2020 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, and on provisional application of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the other part, and of the Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning security procedures for exchanging and protecting classified information (Official Journal of the European Union L 444 of 31 December 2020)

Erstellt am 03.02.2021 von: Juristischer Dienst - Qualität der Rechtsetzung

Eingelangt am 03.02.2021, U32 Übermittlung

Linkart Link
Datum EU-Datenbanknr. Dokument der EU-Vorlage Sprache Einstufung
09.02.2021 49770/EU XXVII.GP
englisch PUBLIC

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Council Decision (EU) 2020/2252 of 29 December 2020 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, and on provisional application of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the other part, and of the Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning security procedures for exchanging and protecting classified information (Official Journal of the European Union L 444 of 31 December 2020)

Eingelangt am 09.02.2021, U32 Übermittlung

09.02.2021 49775/EU XXVII.GP
englisch PUBLIC

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Council Decision (EU) 2020/2252 of 29 December 2020 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, and on provisional application of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the other part, and of the Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning security procedures for exchanging and protecting classified information (Official Journal of the European Union L 444 of 31 December 2020)

Eingelangt am 09.02.2021, U32 Übermittlung

Interinstitutionelle Zahl
2020/0381 NLE