Mitteilung der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament, den Europäischen Rat, den Rat, die Europäische Zentralbank, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen Verstärkung der wirtschaftspolitischen Koordinierung (31504/EU XXIV.GP)

COM: KOM (2010) 250 PUBLIC

EU-V: Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Mitteilung der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament, den Europäischen Rat, den Rat, die Europäische Zentralbank, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen Verstärkung der wirtschaftspolitischen Koordinierung

Eingelangt am 20.05.2010, Europäische Kommission - Österr. Parlament

Datum EU-Datenbanknr. Dokument der EU-Vorlage Sprache Einstufung
17.05.2010 31185/EU XXIV.GP
englisch PUBLIC

EU-Vorlage Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Central Bank, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions Reinforcing economic policy coordination

Eingelangt am 17.05.2010, Europäische Kommission - Österr. Parlament

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
19.08.2010 RAT: 12856/10 EUB
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Reinforcing economic policy coordination - Scrutiny information Cover Note from Mr. Gianfranco FINI, President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (35983/EU XXIV.GP)
20.07.2010 NON: 1868/10 EUB
Annex - Governance, Tools and policy cycle of Europe 2020 (35180/EU XXIV.GP)
19.08.2010 RAT: 12856/10 EUB
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Reinforcing economic policy coordination - Scrutiny information Cover Note from Mr. Gianfranco FINI, President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (35983/EU XXIV.GP)
14.01.2011 RAT: 5231/11 EUB
- Proposal for a Council Regulation (EU) No …/… amending Regulation (EC) No 1467/97 on speeding up and clarifying the implementation of the excessive deficit procedure - Proposal for a Council Directive on requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States - Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the effective enforcement of budgetary surveillance in the euro area - Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on enforcement measures to correct excessive macroeconomic imbalances in the euro area - Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 1466/97 on the strengthening of the surveillance of budgetary positions and the surveillance and coordination of economic policies - Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances - Opinion of the application of the principles of Subsidiarity and Proportionality Cover note from "Il Presidente della Camera dei Deputati" (44250/EU XXIV.GP)
Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
08.06.2010 RAT: 9433/10 EUB
Mitteilung der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament, den Europäischen Rat, den Rat, die Europäische Zentralbank, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen - Verstärkung der wirtschaftspolitischen Koordinierung (32459/EU XXIV.GP)