Case before the General Court of the European Union Case T-116/23 (Medel and others v European Commission) - Action for annulment, pursuant to Article 263 TFEU, of the Financing and Loan Agreements between the Commission and the Republic of Poland concluded in accordance with, respectively, Article 23(1) and Article 15(2) of Regulation 2021/241 and dated 24 August 2022 - Council's Application to intervene in support of the Commision (143841/EU XXVII.GP)

RAT: 10301/23 LIMITE

EU-V: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Case before the General Court of the European Union Case T-116/23 (Medel and others v European Commission) - Action for annulment, pursuant to Article 263 TFEU, of the Financing and Loan Agreements between the Commission and the Republic of Poland concluded in accordance with, respectively, Article 23(1) and Article 15(2) of Regulation 2021/241 and dated 24 August 2022 - Council's Application to intervene in support of the Commision

Gruppe: Ausschuss der Ständigen Vertreter (AStV) - 2. Teil

betrifft Sitzung am 14.06.2023

Erstellt am 07.06.2023 von: Juristischer Dienst - Wirtschaft und Finanzen, Haushalt, Strukturfonds

Eingelangt am 07.06.2023, U32 Übermittlung

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
05.06.2023 RAT: 10171/23 EUST
Affaire portée devant la Cour de justice - Demande de décision préjudicielle dans l'affaire C-208/23, Corte suprema di Cassazione (Italie) - Validité de certains articles de la décision-cadre sur le mandat d'arrêt européen (143451/EU XXVII.GP)
05.06.2023 RAT: 9636/23 EUST
COUNCIL DECISION on Union support for the universalisation and effective implementation of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT) - Annex (143560/EU XXVII.GP)
05.06.2023 RAT: 10168/23 EUST
Affaire portée devant le Tribunal de l'Union européenne T-103/23 - Recours en annulation de la décision du 9 décembre 2022 adoptée par une chambre permanente du Parquet européen (EPPO) (143448/EU XXVII.GP)
06.06.2023 RAT: 10242/23 EUST
Attendance of third parties at the Working Party on Humanitarian Aid and Food Aid meetings during the Spanish Presidency (1 July - 31 December 2023) - Approval (143856/EU XXVII.GP)
06.06.2023 RAT: 9681/23 EUST
Council Decision adopting the Council’s position on draft amending budget No 2 of the European Union for the financial year 2023 (143633/EU XXVII.GP)
06.06.2023 RAT: 9680/23 EUST
Council position on draft amending budget No 2 to the general budget for 2023: Entering the surplus of the financial year 2022 - Adoption - Approval of a letter (143631/EU XXVII.GP)
06.06.2023 RAT: 10158/23 EUST
Transfer of appropriations No DEC 09/2023 within Section III – Commission – of the general budget for 2023 - Approval - Approval of a letter (143641/EU XXVII.GP)
07.06.2023 RAT: 10210/23 EUST
Council Implementing Decision authorising Poland to apply reduced rates of excise duty to heavy fuel oil, natural gas, coal, and coke, used as heating fuels, in accordance with Article 19 of Directive 2003/96/EC - Adoption (143864/EU XXVII.GP)
07.06.2023 RAT: 10274/23 EUST
Commission's intention to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding on a Forest Partnership with Honduras - Authorisation to negotiate a non-binding instrument (143893/EU XXVII.GP)
07.06.2023 RAT: 10293/23 EUST
Common messages on foreign influence operations in the EU (143837/EU XXVII.GP)
EGH: RS T-116/23
Code Sachgebiet
JUR 373 Rechtsfragen
EF 165 Finanzinstitute
ECOFIN 571 Wirtschafts- und Finanzfragen
CODEC 1037 Mitentscheidungsverfahren