Legislative process


This website contains a selection of laws that are important for the Austrian Parliament’s work. Although the translations of the authentic German texts have been prepared with great care, linguistic compromises had to be made. All translations are unofficial. Some provisions of these laws will remain unclear without a certain background knowledge about the Austrian legal and political system. Please note that these laws may be amended in the future.

How laws are made

Laws are passed by the national and provincial parliaments – the National and Federal Councils and the Diets in the individual provinces. These parliaments have a central role to play in the political process and the way the affairs of the state are organised.

The Federal Government, the administration and the courts can only act in accordance with the laws. This means that Parliament prepares the ground on which the state can act.


What laws govern law-making? This section contains a selection of laws that are important for the Austrian Parliament’s work. Although the translations of the authentic German texts have been prepared with great care linguistic compromises had to be made. All translations are unofficial. Some provisions of these laws will remain unclear without a certain background knowledge about the Austrian legal and political system. Please note that these laws may be amended in the future.
