Neues im Bundesrat: Mail Nr: 2073

Schriftliche Anfrage - BR

Gegenstand Datum

Steuerbegünstigungen für REWE-Konzern (3766/J-BR/2020)
von Michael Bernard
an die Bundesministerin für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort


Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf Infrastrukturmaßnahmen in Niederösterreich (3767/J-BR/2020)
von Michael Bernard
an die Bundesministerin für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie


Abwicklung des Härtfallfonds zum Covid-19 Gesetz (3768/J-BR/2020)
von Thomas Dim
an den Bundesminister für Finanzen


Anfragebeantwortung (BR)

Gegenstand Datum

Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3470/AB-BR/2020)
durch Mag. Gernot Blümel, MBA
zu 3751/J-BR/2020 von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3471/AB-BR/2020)
durch Mag. Werner Kogler
zu 3755/J-BR/2020 von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3472/AB-BR/2020)
durch Dr. Margarete Schramböck
zu 3747/J-BR/2020 von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3473/AB-BR/2020)
durch Dr. Heinz Faßmann
zu 3745/J-BR/2020 von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner


Gedenken anlässlich des Inkrafttretens des Vertrages von Saint-Germain (3474/AB-BR/2020)
durch Sebastian Kurz
zu 3740/J-BR/2020 von Josef Ofner


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3475/AB-BR/2020)
durch Mag. Karoline Edtstadler
zu 3748/J-BR/2020 von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3476/AB-BR/2020)
durch Karl Nehammer, MSc
zu 3752/J-BR/2020 von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3477/AB-BR/2020)
durch Dr. Alma Zadić, LL.M.
zu 3753/J-BR/2020 von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3478/AB-BR/2020)
durch MMag. Dr. Susanne Raab
zu 3750/J-BR/2020 von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3479/AB-BR/2020)
durch Mag. Alexander Schallenberg, LL.M.
zu 3749/J-BR/2020 von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3480/AB-BR/2020)
durch Elisabeth Köstinger
zu 3743/J-BR/2020 von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
