Neues von der EU-Datenbank: Mail Nr. 67

EU-Vorlage Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Gegenstand Datum

Bericht der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament und den Rat über die Bewertung der Rechnungsstellungsvorschriften der Richtlinie 2006/112/EG über das gemeinsame Mehrwertsteuersystem - COM(2020) 47 final (10615/EU XXVII.GP)


Commission Staff Working Document/Evaluation/Accompanying the document Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council assessing the invoicing rules of Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of value added tax - SWD(2020) 29 final (10616/EU XXVII.GP)


Gemeinsamer Bericht an das Europäische Parlament und den Rat/Bericht zum Schema allgemeiner Zollpräferenzen im Zeitraum 2018-2019 - JOIN (2020) 3 final (10617/EU XXVII.GP)


Joint Staff Working Document/The EU Special Incentive Arrangement for Sustainable Development and Good Governance ('GSP+') assessment of Bolivia covering the period 2018 - 2019/Accompanying the document Joint Report to the European Parliament and the Council Report on the Generalised Scheme of Preferences covering the period 2018 - 2019 - SWD(2020) 16 final (10618/EU XXVII.GP)


Joint Staff Working Document/The EU Special Incentive Arrangement for Sustainable Development and Good Governance ('GSP+') assessment of Armenia covering the period 2018 - 2019/Accompanying the document Joint Report to the European Parliament and the Council Report on the Generalised Scheme of Preferences covering the period 2018-2019 - SWD(2020) 17 final (10619/EU XXVII.GP)


Joint Staff Working Document/The EU Special Incentive Arrangement for Sustainable Development and Good Governance ('GSP+') assessment of Cabo Verde covering the period 2018 - 2019/Accompanying the document Joint Report to the European Parliament and the Council Report on the Generalised Scheme of Preferences covering the period 2018 - 2019 - SWD(2020) 18 final (10620/EU XXVII.GP)


Joint Staff Working Document/Report on EU Enhanced Engagement with three Everything But Arms beneficiary countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia and Myanmar/Accompanying the document Joint Report to the European Parliament and the Council Report on the Generalised Scheme of Preferences covering the period 2018-2019 - SWD(2020) 19 final (10621/EU XXVII.GP)


Joint Staff Working Document/The EU Special Incentive Arrangement for Sustainable Development and Good Governance ('GSP+') assessment of the Kyrgyz Republic covering the period 2018 - 2019/Accompanying the document Joint Report to the European Parliament and the Council Report on the Generalised Scheme of Preferences covering the period 2018-2019 - SWD(2020) 20 final (10622/EU XXVII.GP)


Joint Staff Working Document/The EU Special Incentive Arrangement for Sustainable Development and Good Governance ('GSP+') assessment of Paraguay covering the period 2018 - 2019/Accompanying the document Joint Report to the European Parliament and the Council Report on the Generalised Scheme of Preferences covering the period 2018-2019 - SWD(2020) 21 final (10623/EU XXVII.GP)


Joint Staff Working Document/The EU Special Incentive Arrangement for Sustainable Development and Good Governance ('GSP+') assessment of Pakistan covering the period 2018 - 2019/Accompanying the document Joint Report to the European Parliament and the Council Report on the Generalised Scheme of Preferences covering the period 2018-2019 - SWD(2020) 22 final (10624/EU XXVII.GP)


Joint Staff Working Document/The EU Special Incentive Arrangement for Sustainable Development and Good Governance ('GSP+') assessment of Mongolia covering the period 2018 - 2019/Accompanying the document Joint Report to the European Parliament and the Council Report on the Generalised Scheme of Preferences covering the period 2018 - 2019 - SWD(2020) 23 final (10625/EU XXVII.GP)


Joint Staff Working Document/The EU Special Incentive Arrangement for Sustainable Development and Good Governance ('GSP+') assessment of the Philippines covering the period 2018 - 2019/Accompanying the document Joint Report to the European Parliament and the Council Report on the Generalised Scheme of Preferences covering the period 2018 - 2019 - SWD(2020) 24 final (10626/EU XXVII.GP)


Joint Staff Working Document/The EU Special Incentive Arrangement for Sustainable Development and Good Governance ('GSP+') assessment of Sri Lanka covering the period 2018 - 2019/Accompanying the document Joint Report to the European Parliament and the Coucil Report on the Generalised Scheme of Preferences covering the period 2018-2019 - SWD(2020) 25 final (10627/EU XXVII.GP)


Bericht der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament und den Rat über die Durchführung des Europäischen Energieprogramms zur Konjunkturbelebung und die Inanspruchnahme des Europäischen Energieeffizienzfonds - COM(2020) 38 final (10628/EU XXVII.GP)


Commission Staff Working Document/Data on the budgetary and technical implementation of the European Energy Programme for Recovery/Accompanying the document Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and Council on the Implementation of the European Energy Programme for Recovery and the European Energy Efficiency Fund - SWD(2020) 12 final (10629/EU XXVII.GP)
