Sitzung Strategischer Ausschuss für Einwanderungs-, Grenz- und Asylfragen und Gemischter Ausschuss (EU/Island und Norwegen) am 12.5.2003 (8935/EU XXII.GP)

NON: 2332/03

EU-V: Tagesordnung

Sitzung Strategischer Ausschuss für Einwanderungs-, Grenz- und Asylfragen und Gemischter Ausschuss (EU/Island und Norwegen) am 12.5.2003

Gruppe: Gemischter Ausschuss (EU / Norwegen und Island), Strategischer Ausschuss für Einwanderungs-, Grenz- und Asylfragen (SAEGA)

betrifft Sitzung am 12.05.2003

Eingelangt am 16.05.2003, Bundesministerium für Inneres (95.147/1126-I/4/a/03)

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
06.05.2003 NON: 5969/03 EUTO
Sitzung Gemischter Ausschuss (EU/Norwegen und Island) und Gruppe Materielles Strafrecht am 12./13.5.2003 (8383/EU XXII.GP)
16.05.2003 RAT: 8645/03 EUB
Report - "International Airports Plan" - project Note from: Italian delegation (8940/EU XXII.GP)
16.05.2003 RAT: 8783/03 EUB
Report - Operation RIO IV Note from: Spanish delegation (8941/EU XXII.GP)
16.05.2003 RAT: 8784/03 EUB
Report - Operation Ulysses Note from: Spanish delegation (8942/EU XXII.GP)
16.05.2003 RAT: 8785/03 EUB
Rapport - Projet de Centre de coordination pour les enquetes sur les crimes et delits lies a l'immigration illegale et a la criminalite transfrontaliere Note de la: delegation francaise (8943/EU XXII.GP)
16.05.2003 RAT: 8826/03 EUB
Report - Centre of Excellence in detection technology with Mobile Detection Unit Note from United Kingdom delegation (8946/EU XXII.GP)
16.05.2003 RAT: 8285/03 EUB
Core Curriculum for Border Guard Training - Final report Note from Austrian Delegation (8937/EU XXII.GP)
16.05.2003 RAT: 8825/03 EUB
Report - Operation ORCA Note from: Norwegian delegation (8945/EU XXII.GP)
27.05.2003 RAT: 9513/03 EUB
Initiative of the Federal Republic of Germany for a Council Directive on assistance in cases of transit for the purposes of removal by air (9674/EU XXII.GP)
27.05.2003 RAT: 9389/03 EUB
Draft Council Directive concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents (9653/EU XXII.GP)
27.05.2003 NON: 2497/03 EUTO
Sitzung Gruppe SIS/SIRENE und Gruppe Gemischter Ausschuss (EU/Norwegen und Island) am 12./13.5.2003 (9614/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 6445/03 Proposal to set up a Cooperation Centre of EU external maritime borders (6333/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 7462/03 The establishment of ILO network in third countries (7662/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 7491/03 Proposal to establish a Joint Sea Borders Coordination Center (JSBCC) Note from Greek Delegation (7660/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 7641/03 Initiative of the Federal Republic of Germany for a Council Directive on assistance in cases of transit for the purposes of removal by air (8947/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 7655/03 Entwurf einer Entscheidung des Rates zur Änderung der Anlage 12 der Gemeinsamen Konsularischen Instruktion sowie der Anlage 14a des Gemeinsamen Handbuchs Vermerk der griechischen Delegation (7198/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 8120/03 Preliminary project for the joint patrolling of the Central and Eastern Mediterranean Sea Note from Italian Delegation (7661/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 8203/03 Report on the implementation of the Plan for the management of external borders of the Member States of the European Union (7659/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 8285/03 Core Curriculum for Border Guard Training - Final report Note from Austrian Delegation (8937/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 8645/03 Report - "International Airports Plan" - project Note from: Italian delegation (8940/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 8783/03 Report - Operation RIO IV Note from: Spanish delegation (8941/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 8784/03 Report - Operation Ulysses Note from: Spanish delegation (8942/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 8785/03 Rapport - Projet de Centre de coordination pour les enquetes sur les crimes et delits lies a l'immigration illegale et a la criminalite transfrontaliere Note de la: delegation francaise (8943/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 8786/03 Accession Negotiations with Bulgaria - Chapter 29: Financial and Budgetary Provisions (28343/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 8825/03 Report - Operation ORCA Note from: Norwegian delegation (8945/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 8826/03 Report - Centre of Excellence in detection technology with Mobile Detection Unit Note from United Kingdom delegation (8946/EU XXII.GP)
RAT: 8831/03 Report - Common integrated risk assessment Note from: Finnish delegation (9671/EU XXII.GP)