Evalution Summary Report Acronym: EMP-HEC (70090/EU XXII.GP)

NON: 979/06

EU-V: Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Evalution Summary Report Acronym: EMP-HEC

Gruppe: Programmausschuss Humanressourcen und Mobilität - HRM

betrifft Sitzung am 10.10.2004

Eingelangt am 13.03.2006, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur (360.039/6-VI/5/06)

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
13.03.2006 SON: D (04) 15536 EUB
Report of evaluation panel "Chemistry" Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (EIF) 2004 (70035/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 960/06 EUB
Report of the evaluation panel ECO-SOC EIF 2004"Chemistry" Intra-European Fellowships (EIF) 2003 (70036/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 961/06 EUB
Report of evaluation panel "Engineering" Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (EIF) 2004 (70037/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 962/06 EUB
Report of evaluation panel "Environment" Intra-European Fellowships (EIF) 2004 (70038/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 963/06 EUB
Report of evaluation panel Life EIF 2004 (70039/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 964/06 EUB
Report of evaluation panel "Mathematics" Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (EIF) 2004 (70040/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 965/06 EUB
Report of evaluation panel PHY EIF 2004 (70041/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 SON: D (04) 528444 EUB
Sixth Framework Programme for Research & Technological Development Structuring the European Research Area Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Call for proposals n° FP6-2002-Mobility-5 Intra-European Fellowships Deadline: 18.02.04 Evaluation Report (70042/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 969/06 EUB
Sixth Framework Programme for Research & Technological Development Structuring the European Research Area Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Excellence promotion and recognition actions Call for proposals n° FP6-2002-Mobility 8 (EXT) Deadline: 18. May 2004 Proposal Evaluation procedure Evaluation Report (70058/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 978/06 EUB
The Marie Curie Training Programme in Empiricial Health Economics Acronym: EMP-HEC (70089/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 970/06 EUB
Marie Curie Excellence Grants - Call deadline 18/05/2004 Acronym: GPMSMA (70059/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 980/06 EUB
Draft Minutes of the 12th Meeting of the Programme Committee "Human Resources and Mobility" CCAB Building, Brussels, 24th of June 2004 (70091/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 971/06 EUB
Recommendations Evaluation Summary Reports EXT 2004 (70060/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 981/06 EUB
Human Resources and Mobility Programme Call FP6-2002-Mobility-2 Opinion on the selection of 25 Proposals and information on 3 proposal submitted for the Call for Proposals for "Early Stage Training" (70092/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 982/06 EUB
Human Resources and Mobility Programme Call for proposals - FP6-2002-Mobility-10 (2nd deadline: 21 January 2004) Opinion on the Selection of 4 Proposals (2nd Batch) for Marie Curie Chairs (70093/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 973/06 EUB
Sixth Framework Programme for Research & Technological Development Structuring the European Research Area Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Call for proposals n° FP6-2003-Mobility-3 Deadline: 19.05.04 Marie Curie Fellowships for the Transfer of Knowledge Proposal Evaluation procedure Evaluation Report (70070/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 975/06 EUB
Summary Abstracts TOK 2004 (70072/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 976/06 EUB
Marie Curie TOK Evaluation Results Marie Curie Fellowships for the Transfer of Knowledge Call for proposals n° FP6-2002-Mobility 3 Deadline: 19:05:2004 (70073/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 977/06 EUB
Sixth Framework Programme for Research & Technological Development Marie Curie Actions - Human Ressources and Mobility Call for proposals n° FP6-2002-Mobility 4 (SCF-LCF) Deadline: 18 April 2004 Proposal Evaluation procedure Evalution Report (70086/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 SON: D (04) 533462 EUB
Sixth Framework Programme for Research & Technological Development Structuring the European Research Area Marie Curie Actions - Human Ressources and Mobility Call for proposals n° FP6-2002-Mobility-11 European Reintegration Grants Open call with closure date: 15.04.2004 Evaluation Report (70094/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 983/06 EUB
Summary Abstract for Re-Integration Fellowships Acronym: Acoustics-Avalanches (70095/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 984/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report for European Reintegration Grants Acronym: Acoustics-Avalanches (70096/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 985/06 EUB
Sixth Framework Programme for Research & Technological Development Structuring the European Research Area Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Call for proposals n° FP6-2003-Mobility-12 Deadline: 15-4-2004 IRG Proposal Evaluation procedure Evaluation Report (70097/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 SON: D (03) 524532 EUB
HRM Action - Evaluation of Marie Curie International Reintegration Grants proposals received in response to the call FP6-2002-Mobility-12 Cut off date: 15 April 2004 (70098/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 986/06 EUB
Summary Abstract for International Reintegration Grants Acronym: EPICODE (70099/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 987/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: IIPI (70100/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 988/06 EUB
Marie Curie Research International Felllowships: Marie Curie International Reintegration Grants IRG 5 Cut off date: 15 April 2004 HRM Programme Committee Brussels, 1st October 2004 (70101/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1006/06 EUB
Annex 1 - Call specific statistics (70158/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1007/06 EUB
Annex 2 - Lists of submitted proposals (70159/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1008/06 EUB
All Proposals (70160/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1009/06 EUB
Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Call for proposals n° FP6-2002-Mobility 1 Deadline:03.04.2003 Overview (70161/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1010/06 EUB
Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Call for proposals n° FP6-2002-Mobility 1 Deadline:19.11.2003 Overview (70162/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1011/06 EUB
Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Call for proposals n° FP6-2002-Mobility 1 Deadline:19.11.2003 (70163/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1012/06 EUB
Annex 1 - Call specific statistics Call for proposals: FP6-2002-Mobility-4 (SCF/LCF) Deadline: 20/04/2004 (70164/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1013/06 EUB
Annex 2 Call for Proposals: FP6-2002-Mobility-4 (SCF/LCF) Deadline: 20.4.2004 (70165/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1000/06 EUB
Marie Curie Actions-Human Resources and Mobility Call for proposals n°: FP6-2002-Mobility 5 Deadline: 18.02.2004 Table1: Eligibility check of submitted proposals (70152/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1014/06 EUB
Annex 2.6 & Annex 2.7 - Commission provisional ranked list & Commission provisional reserve list Specific Programme "Structuring the European Research Area" Evaluation Results for the call FP6-Mobility 4 (Deadline: 20/04/2004) List of Proposals ranked in priority order and proposed for funding (70166/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1001/06 EUB
Annex 2 - Lists of submitted proposals (70153/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1015/06 EUB
Annex 1 - Call specific statistics (70167/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1002/06 EUB
Mobility pattern of proposals recommended for funding (70154/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1016/06 EUB
Annex 2 - Lists of submitted proposals (70168/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1017/06 EUB
Annex 1 - Call specific statistics (70169/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1003/06 EUB
Annex 1 - Call specific statistics Call for proposals: FP-6-2002-Mobility-8 (EXT) Deadline: 18.5.2004 (70155/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1018/06 EUB
Annex 2 - Lists of submitted proposals (70170/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1004/06 EUB
Annex 2 Call for Proposals (EXT): FP-6-2002-Mobility-8 Deadline: 18.5.2004 (70156/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 1005/06 EUB
Annexe 2.6 and 2.7 (EXT): Commission provisional ranked list and Commission provisional reserve list Marie Curie Actions- Human Resources and Mobility Call for Proposals: FP-6-2002-Mobility-8 (Deadline: 18.5.2004) List of Proposals ranked in priority order and proposed for funding (70157/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 958/06 EUB
To the attention of the Programme Committee Members Information on the Budgetary distribution of the Marie Curie actions for 2004 (70033/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 959/06 EUB
Marie Curie EIF 2004 Distribution of proposals evaluated and recommended for funding by host (70034/EU XXII.GP)
13.03.2006 NON: 974/06 EUB
Report of evaluation panel PHY TOK 2004 (70071/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1922/06 EUB
Summary abstract for Intra-European Fellowships Acronym: PROTARC (71267/EU XXII.GP)