demographic and societal changes for rural areas (5204/EU XXIII.GP)

NON: 33/07

EU-V: Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

demographic and societal changes for rural areas

Gruppe: Ständiger Agrarforschungsausschuss

betrifft Sitzung am 04.12.2006

Eingelangt am 10.01.2007, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur (360.039/0002-VI/5/2007)

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
17.11.2006 NON: 4300/06 EUTO
5. Sitzung Ständiger Agrarforschungsausschuss am 4./5.12.2006 (1524/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4464/06 EUB
Between flat and spiky world forces An exploration of the consequences of demographic and social change for rural areas Draft Document Contribution to the DG Research SCAR expert group on foresight for agricultural, food and rural areas research (2530/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4471/06 EUB
SCAR - Foresight in the field of agricultural research in Europe (2537/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4470/06 EUB
FFRAF: foresighting food, rural and agri-futures (2536/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4469/06 EUB
Science, Technology and Innovation Drivers Short Report to the SCAR Expert Working Group/ EU Commission (2535/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4468/06 EUB
Energy as a driver for European agriculture and forest, bioenergy and bioproducts (2534/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4467/06 EUB
EU Agri-Food Industries & Rural Economies by 2025 - Towards a Knowledge Bio-Economy - Research & Knowledge-Transfer Systems (2533/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4466/06 EUB
SCAR - Foresight in the field of agricultural research in Europe (2532/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4465/06 EUB
Agriculture and the Environment (2531/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4473/06 EUB
Table of Contents (2539/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4472/06 EUB
Climate change as a driver for European agriculture (2538/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4490/06 EUB
Update - 5th SCAR Plenary Meeting - Brussels, 4-5 December 2006 (2785/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4474/06 EUB
Standing Committee on Agricultural Research Initiatives towards a European Research Area for Agriculture Table of Contents (2540/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4477/06 EUB
Science, Technology and Innovation Drivers Short Report to the SCAR Expert Working Group/ EU Commission (2543/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4478/06 EUB
Energy as a driver for European agriculture and forest, bioenergy and bioproducts (2544/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4479/06 EUB
EU Agri-Food Industries & Rural Economies by 2025 - Towards a Knowledge Bio-Economy - Research & Knowledge-Transfer Systems (2545/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4480/06 EUB
SCAR - Foresight in the field of agricultural research in Europe (2546/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4481/06 EUB
Agriculture and the Environment (2547/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4482/06 EUB
Between flat and spiky world forces An exploration of the consequences of demographic and social change for rural areas Draft Document Contribution to the DG Research SCAR expert group on foresight for agricultural, food and rural areas research (2548/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4483/06 EUTO
5. Sitzung Ständiger Agrarforschungsausschuss am 4./5.12.2006 (2549/EU XXIII.GP)
30.11.2006 NON: 4463/06 EUTO
5. Sitzung Ständiger Agrarforschungsausschuss am 4./5.12.2006 (2529/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 38/07 EUB
Invitation to SCAR plenary meeting 4-5 December 2006 (5209/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 37/07 EUB
Standing Committee for Agricultural research 5th Plenary Meeting Brussels, 4-5 December 2006, Centre Albert Borschette (CCAB) - Room 0A Preliminary Conclusions & Short-Term Timetable (5208/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 36/07 EUB
Standing Committee for Agricultural research 83th (5th) Plenary Meeting Brussels, 4-5 December 2006, Centre Borschette - Room 0A Draft Minutes (5207/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 35/07 EUB
SCAR Foresight Paper on Climate Change as a driver for European agriculture (5206/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 34/07 EUB
SCAR Foresight paper – “EU Agri-Food Industries & Rural Economies by 2025 - Towards a Knowledge Bio-Economy – Research & Knowledge-Transfer Systems”? Liam Downey (5205/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 71/07 EUB
Standing Committee on Agricultural Research 5th Plenary Meeting: 5 December 2006 Agricultural research in the UK (5304/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 31/07 EUB
FFRAF: foresighting food, rural and agri-futures (5202/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 30/07 EUB
SCAR - foresight in the field of agricultural research in Europe Food issues: an assessment of the major forces in the area which will contribute to shape the future of agro-food sector in Europe (5201/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 29/07 EUB
SCAR Foresight Group Agriculture and the Environment (5200/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 28/07 EUB
Between flat and spiky world forces An exploration of the consequences of demographic and social change for rural areas (5199/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 27/07 EUB
SCAR Foresight Paper - "Agriculture and the Environment" SCAR WG Comments (5198/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 32/07 EUB
Energy as a driver for European agriculture and forest, bioenergy and bioproducts (5203/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 41/07 EUB
Agricultural research in Switzerland SCAR Plenary Meeting, Brussels 4-5 December 2006 (5212/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 42/07 EUB
Agricultural research in Greece (5213/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 43/07 EUB
Agricultural Research Structures and Perspectives in Austria (5214/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 44/07 EUB
EU Agri-Food Industries & Rural Economies by 2025 - Towards a Knowledge Bio-Economy – Research & Knowledge-Transfer Systems (5215/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 45/07 EUB
SCAR Comments on the paper in the area of "economy and trade" (5216/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 46/07 EUB
Foresight Paper: Energy as a driver for European Agriculture and Forest, Bioenergy and Bioproducts (5217/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 47/07 EUB
Agriculture and Related Sciences in the Education programmes of the Commission List of projects (5218/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 48/07 EUB
Agriculture and related Sciences in the Education programmes of the EU (5219/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 53/07 EUB
Science, Technolgy and Innovation Drivers (5224/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 54/07 EUB
SCAR interim report "Initiatives towards a European Research Area for Agriculture" (5225/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 52/07 EUB
SCAR meeting 5 december 2006 (5223/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 55/07 EUB
Co-ordination between research funders in the domain of agriculture related research in the EU (5226/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 56/07 EUB
Bericht des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur über die 5. Sitzung Ständiger Agrarforschungsausschuss vom 4./5.12.2006 (5227/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 57/07 EUB
Science, Technology and Innovation Drivers - Research needs in agriculture SCAR WG comments (5228/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 58/07 EUB
Report by the SCAR-WEG to the SCAR plenary on 4/5 December 2006 on the foresight exercise (5229/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 59/07 EUB
SCAR Foresight paper - "Food issues: assessment of the major driving forces in the area which will contribute to shape the future of the agro-food sector in Europe" (5230/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 65/07 EUB
SCAR - Foresight in the field of agricultural research in Europe An assessment of the major driving forces in the area of "economy and trade" which will contribute to shape the future of agriculture in Europe (5271/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 66/07 EUB
Climate change as a driver for European agriculture (5272/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 73/07 EUB
Towards a Common Research Agenda in the field of agriculture research at the EU level Update on progress from collaborative working groups (CWGs) SCAR meeting 4-5- December 2006 (5308/EU XXIII.GP)
10.01.2007 NON: 39/07 EUTO
5. Sitzung Ständiger Agrarforschungsausschuss am 4./5.12.2006 (5210/EU XXIII.GP)