Aspects of judicial cooperation in civil matters in the framework of the Strategy for the External Dimension of JHA: Global Freedom, Security and Justice - Relations with the Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia, including Kosovo) (17818/EU XXIII.GP)

RAT: 11329/07 LIMITE

EU-V: Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Aspects of judicial cooperation in civil matters in the framework of the Strategy for the External Dimension of JHA: Global Freedom, Security and Justice - Relations with the Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia, including Kosovo)

Gruppe: Gruppe "Zivilrecht"

betrifft Sitzung am 09.07.2007

Eingelangt am 12.07.2007, Bundesministerium für Justiz (EU15301/0006-EU/2007)

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
12.07.2007 NON: 1679/07 EUB
Capacite des Etats membres a negocier ou renegocier des conventions bilaterales au regard des competences externes de la Communaute Document de travail de la delegation francaise (17758/EU XXIII.GP)
12.07.2007 NON: 1680/07 EUB
Item 3b) of the draft agenda (the 1970 Hague Convention on the taking of evidence: Russian request for a late reservation on language) (17759/EU XXIII.GP)
12.07.2007 NON: 1681/07 EUB
Draft declaration to be adopted by the Council together with the decision on the signing of the Lugano Convention Working Document by the Polish, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Slovenian Delegation (17760/EU XXIII.GP)
12.07.2007 NON: 1682/07 EUB
Bericht des Bundesministeriums für Justiz über die Sitzung Ausschuss für Zivilrecht vom 9.7.2007 (17761/EU XXIII.GP)
12.07.2007 RAT: 11248/07 EUB
Plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, 20 June 2007 Report by Bogdan Klich - External dimension of the area of freedom, security and justice (17762/EU XXIII.GP)
12.07.2007 NON: 1683/07 EUB
Liste des participants salle Date: 9.7.2007 Titre de la reunion: Committee on Civil Law Matters (17769/EU XXIII.GP)
12.07.2007 RAT: 11199/07 EUB
Fragen der justiziellen Zusammenarbeit in Zivilsachen, die im Zusammenhang mit anderen Entwürfen von Gemeinschaftsrechtsakten geprüft werden (17764/EU XXIII.GP)
12.07.2007 RAT: 11302/07 EUB
Reglement (CE) no 1348/2000 du Conseil du 29 mai 2000 relatif a la signification et a la notification dans les Etats membres des actes judiciaires et extrajudiciaires en matiere civile et commerciale - contribution from the Polish delegation Note de la delegation polonaise (17765/EU XXIII.GP)
12.07.2007 RAT: 11330/07 EUB
Aspects de la cooperation judiciaire en matiere civile dans le cadre de la strategie relative a la dimension exterieure de la JAI: liberte, securite et justice au niveau mondial - Elargissement du champ d'application concernant l'etat de cooperation avec certains Etats tiers (17766/EU XXIII.GP)
12.07.2007 RAT: 11331/07 EUB
Accession of the European Community to the Hague Conference on Private International Law - Confirmation of receipt of the instrument of acceptance - Designation of a contact organ (17767/EU XXIII.GP)
12.07.2007 RAT: 11332/07 EUB
Conflict of laws: modernisation of the PRIMA-rule for intermediated securities - Reflection paper DG MARKT (17768/EU XXIII.GP)
12.07.2007 RAT: 11327/07 EUB
JHA External Relations Multi-Presidency Work Programme (17763/EU XXIII.GP)
RAT: 6118/07 Aspects of judicial cooperation in civil matters in the framework of the Strategy for the External Dimenstion of JHA: Global Freedom, Security and Justice (10136/EU XXIII.GP)