Preliminary call response data FP7-2010-GC-Electrochemical-Storage (28648/EU XXIV.GP)

NON: 746/10

EU-V: Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Preliminary call response data FP7-2010-GC-Electrochemical-Storage

Gruppe: Programmausschuss Umwelt (einschließlich Klimaänderung)

betrifft Sitzung am 26.02.2010

Eingelangt am 24.03.2010, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMWF-360.039/0007-II/5/2010)

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
24.03.2010 NON: 724/10 EUB
Programmausschuss Umwelt (inkl. Klimawandel) am 26.2.2010 (28577/EU XXIV.GP)
24.03.2010 NON: 749/10 EUB
The Ocean of tomorrow FP7-OCEAN-2011 (28651/EU XXIV.GP)
24.03.2010 NON: 726/10 EUB
ERA Study "The impact of European policy on the development of the European Research Area (ERA) in the areas relevant to the Environment (including climate change)" (28580/EU XXIV.GP)
24.03.2010 NON: 727/10 EUB
European Research on Health and Environmental Risks of Nanomaterials Funded by the Seventh Framework Programme (28581/EU XXIV.GP)
24.03.2010 NON: 728/10 EUB
Work Programme 2011 Theme 6 Environment (including Climate Change) Preliminary Draft 12 February 2010 (28582/EU XXIV.GP)
24.03.2010 COM: D (10) 505850 EUB
Invitation to the 16th meeting of the Programme Committee on 26 February 2010 in Brussels (28583/EU XXIV.GP)
24.03.2010 NON: 741/10 EUB
Bericht des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung über die 16. Sitzung Programmausschuss Umwelt (Klimawandel) vom 26.2.2010 (28643/EU XXIV.GP)
24.03.2010 NON: 742/10 EUB
Programm Committee Meeting: Environment Theme 26th Feb 2010 Strategic Perspectives on EU Environment Policy (28644/EU XXIV.GP)
24.03.2010 NON: 743/10 EUB
Preliminary call response data FP7-ENV-2010 (28645/EU XXIV.GP)
24.03.2010 NON: 744/10 EUB
Preliminary call response data FP7-Africa-2010 (28646/EU XXIV.GP)
24.03.2010 NON: 745/10 EUB
Preliminary call response data FP7-OCEAN-2010 (28647/EU XXIV.GP)
24.03.2010 NON: 747/10 EUB
Initial evaluation response data Theme: Public Private Partnership, "Energy-efficient Buildings" Cross-thematic cooperation: Call identifyer: FP7-2010-NMP-ENV-Energy-ICT-EeB Activity "EeB.ENV.2010.3.2.4-1" Improving energy efficiency of historic buildings in urban areas (28649/EU XXIV.GP)
24.03.2010 NON: 748/10 EUB
WP 2011 "daughter" Calls: Eco-Innovation! PPP-EeB PPP- EGCI ENV-NMP Cultural Heritage (28650/EU XXIV.GP)
24.03.2010 NON: 723/10 EUTO
16. Sitzung Programmausschuss Umwelt (Klimawandel) am 26.2.2010 (28576/EU XXIV.GP)
03.05.2010 COM: D (10) 520418 EUB
Minutes of the 16th Meeting of the Environment (including climate change) configuration of the Programme Committee for the Specific Programme "Coordination" under FP7 Brussels, 26 February 2010 (30395/EU XXIV.GP)