Activity 2.3: Life Sciences Biotechnology and Biochemistry for Sustainable Non-Food Products and Processes Biotechnologies Preparation of WP2012 (49108/EU XXIV.GP)

NON: 1032/11

EU-V: Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Activity 2.3: Life Sciences Biotechnology and Biochemistry for Sustainable Non-Food Products and Processes Biotechnologies Preparation of WP2012

Gruppe: Programmausschuss Zusammenarbeit zur Durchführung des 7. RP - Lebensmittel, Landwirtschaft und Fischerei, Biotechnologie

betrifft Sitzung am 03.03.2011

Eingelangt am 01.04.2011, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMWF-360.039/0017-II/5/2011)

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
01.04.2011 NON: 1028/11 EUB
Preparation of the Commission Communication "European Strategy and Action Plan towards a sustainable bio-based economy by 2020": State of play and main steps (49104/EU XXIV.GP)
01.04.2011 NON: 1029/11 EUB
FP Impact Assessment in Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotechnology (49105/EU XXIV.GP)
01.04.2011 NON: 1030/11 EUB
Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) Work Programme 2012 Preparation (49106/EU XXIV.GP)
01.04.2011 NON: 1031/11 EUB
WP2012 Call 6 Activity 2.2 Food: Strategy (49107/EU XXIV.GP)
01.04.2011 NON: 1034/11 EUB
18th Programme Committee Meeting Specific Configuration for Theme 2: Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology Brussels, 03 March 2011 Draft Agenda (49110/EU XXIV.GP)
01.04.2011 NON: 1040/11 EUB
Bericht des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung über die 18. Sitzung Programmausschuss Zusammenarbeit zur Durchführung des 7. RP - Lebensmittel, Landwirtschaft und Fischerei, Biotechnologie vom 3.3.2011 (49116/EU XXIV.GP)
01.04.2011 NON: 1036/11 EUB
Draft Overview of topics in WP2012 and of indicative topics in WP2013 by main lines Cooperation Theme 2: Food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology (49112/EU XXIV.GP)
01.04.2011 NON: 1037/11 EUB
Invitation to the Eighteenth KBBE Programme Committee Meeting on 03 March 2011 (49113/EU XXIV.GP)
01.04.2011 NON: 1038/11 EUB
List of tentative topics for WP2013 (49114/EU XXIV.GP)
01.04.2011 NON: 1039/11 EUB
Draft Workprogramme 2012 (49115/EU XXIV.GP)
01.04.2011 NON: 1035/11 EUB
FP7 Programme Committee 18th Meeting of the FP7 Programme Committee Theme 2: Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology Draft Minutes Brussels, 03 March 2011 (49111/EU XXIV.GP)