Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work Appointment of Ms Caroline HIELEGEMS, alternate member for Belgium, in place of Mr Herman FONCK, who has resigned - End of written procedure (45616/EU XXVII.GP)

RAT: CM 5333/20 PUBLIC

EU-V: U32 Kommunikationsdokument

Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work Appointment of Ms Caroline HIELEGEMS, alternate member for Belgium, in place of Mr Herman FONCK, who has resigned - End of written procedure

Erstellt am 22.12.2020 von: Beschäftigung, Sozialpolitik und Gesundheit

Eingelangt am 22.12.2020, U32 Übermittlung

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Code Sachgebiet
SOC Sozialfragen
EMPL Beschäftigung
SAN Gesundheit
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