Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: SUGARRAYS (70773/EU XXII.GP)

NON: 1485/06

EU-V: Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: SUGARRAYS

Gruppe: Programmausschuss Humanressourcen und Mobilität - HRM

betrifft Sitzung am 30.06.2005

Eingelangt am 15.03.2006, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur (360.039/6-VI/5/06)

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
15.03.2006 SON: D (05) 520543 EUB
Sixth Framework Programme for Research & Technological Development Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Research Training Networks Call for proposals n° FP6-2004-Mobility-1 (Stage 2) Deadline: 28/04/2005 Proposal Evaluation procedure Evaluation Report (70759/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1472/06 EUB
Structuring the European Research Area Pogramme Human Resources and Mobility Activities Results of the Evaluation following the Call for Proposals for Marie Curie Research Training Networks (RTN) Call: FP6-2004-Mobility-1 Deadline: 28th April 2005 INTER Panel Negotiation Framework - Reserve list (70760/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1474/06 EUB
FP6 Structuring the European Research Area: Human Resources and Mobility Marie-Curie Research Training Networks Call FP6-2004-Mobility-1, Deadline: 2nd December 2004 Panel Report: Stage 1 Evaluations (70762/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1477/06 EUB
Structuring the European Research Area Pogramme Human Resources and Mobility Activities Results of the Evaluation following the Call for Proposals for Marie Curie Research Training Networks (RTN) Call: FP6-2004-Mobility-1 Deadline: 28th April 2005 INTER Panel Negotiation Framework - Ranked list (70765/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1478/06 EUB
Note for the file Parameters and assumptions (70766/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1479/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: NK defense + therapy (70767/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1480/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: EdRox (70768/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1481/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: CoGITo (70769/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1482/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: SIGNALPATH (70770/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1483/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: FAST (70771/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1484/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: NANOCEM (70772/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1486/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: INSPIRE (70774/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1487/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: PolyStem (70775/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1488/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: BioMine (70776/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1489/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: Translocation (70777/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1490/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: SYBIL (70778/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1491/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: C.R.E.D.I.T. (70779/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1492/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: UbiRegulators (70780/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1493/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: Mod&Obs (70781/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1494/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: SEAMOCS (70782/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1495/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: ETN-Origins (70783/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1496/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: ULTRANET (70784/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1497/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: COMSON (70785/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1498/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: NEUROMICROMACHINES (70786/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1499/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: PLASMIN (70787/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1500/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: APPLY (70788/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1501/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: FREESUBNET (70789/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1502/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: ProSA (70790/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1503/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: From FLIM to FLIN (70791/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1504/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: NucSys (70792/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1505/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: ISARP (70793/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1506/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: NUTRIOME (70794/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1507/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: GEMOSEC (70795/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1508/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: DYNAMIC (70796/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1509/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: EVAN (70797/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1510/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: DNA Enzymes (70798/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1511/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: MuScholar (70799/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1512/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: MACE (70800/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1513/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: PolyCerNet (70801/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1514/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: NOPTS (70802/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1515/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: MB Atlas (70803/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1516/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: FUTUREWOOD (70804/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1517/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: SMARTER (70805/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1518/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: CNT-COMP (70806/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1519/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: SHERE (70807/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1520/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: ThermoRisk (70808/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1521/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: DOM-NET (70809/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1522/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: MOMENTUM (70810/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1523/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: GoverNat (70811/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1524/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: ANTICANCER (70812/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1525/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report Acronym: NEURoVERS-it (70813/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1469/06 EUB
The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (70753/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 SON: D (05) 509483 EUB
European Marie Curie Conference 2005 Tuscany (Pisa/Livorno), 28-30 September 2005 "Making Europe more attractive for researchers" (70754/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 SON: D (05) 522134 EUB
Sixth Framework Programme for Research & Technological Development Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Early Stage Research Training Call for proposals n° FP6-2004-Mobility-2, Second stage Deadline: 26-04-2005 Proposal Evaluation procedure Evaluation Report (70816/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1526/06 EUB
Report of evaluation panel FP6-2004-Mobility-2 MAT ENG/IT, Step 2, Marie Curie Early Stage Research Training (EST), Mathematics and Engineering, Deadline 26 April 2005 (70817/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1527/06 EUB
Summary abstract Early Stage Research Training FP6-2004-Mobility-2 Deadline 26 April 2005 Acronym: SUSTEFFECTPRODDEV (70818/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1528/06 EUB
Evaluation Summary Report FP6-2004-Mobility-2 Early Stage Research Training: Step 2 Acronym: SUSTEFFECTPRODDEV (70819/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1530/06 EUB
Sixth Framwork Programme for Research & Technological Development Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Excellence promotion and recognition actions Calls for proposals n° FP6-2004-Mobility-8 (EXT) Deadline: 16 February 2005 n° FP6-204-Mobility-10 (EXC) Deadline: 16 February 2005 Proposal Evaluation procedure Evaluation Report (70821/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1531/06 EUB
022349 MIPRO (70823/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1532/06 EUB
021471 BIOSMART (70824/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1533/06 EUB
Combined Statistical and Geometric Variational Methods for Problems in Medical Image Processing Acronym: MIPRO (70825/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1534/06 EUB
Bio-processing for smart synthetics Acronym: BIOSMART (70826/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1535/06 EUB
Draft Minutes of the 15th meeting of the Programme Committee "Human Resources and Mobility" CCAB Building - Room 2D, Brussels, 10 March 2005 (70830/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 COM: SEK (2005) 431 EUB
Commission Staff Working Document Simplification in the 7th Framework Programme (70832/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2002/06 EUB
Marie Curie Chairs FP6-Mobility-10 - Call deadline 2004 (71390/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2003/06 EUB
Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses - FP6-2002-Mobility-4 Call deadline 20/04/2004 (71391/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2004/06 EUB
FP6-2003-Mobility Centres All three closing dates (71392/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2005/06 EUB
FP6 Marie Curie Actions-Human Resources and Mobility FP6-2004-Mobility-1 - Stage 2, closure date 28-04-2005 RTN Evaluation report Annex 1: Call Specific statistics (71393/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2006/06 EUB
FP6 Marie Curie Actions-Human Resources and Mobility FP6-2004-Mobility-1, closure date 28/04/2005 RTN Evaluation Report Annex 2 - Lists of submitted proposals (71394/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2007/06 EUB
HRM evaluation report annex 1 (71395/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2008/06 EUB
Marie Curie Actions - Research Training Networks - FP6 Overview of Country Participation in terms of Location of Host Organisations (71396/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2009/06 EUB
FP6 Marie Curie Actions-Human Resources and Mobility FP6-2004-Mobility-2, closure date 26:04:2005 Early Stage Research Training Evaluation Report Annex 1: Call Specific statistics (71397/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2010/06 EUB
FP6 Marie Curie Actions-Human Resources and Mobility FP6-2004-Mobility-2, closure date 26-04-2005 Early Stage Research Training Evaluation Report Annex 2 - Lists of submitted proposals (71398/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2011/06 EUB
Marie Curie Actions-Human Resources and Mobility Call for proposals n°: FP6-2004-Mobility-8 (EXT) Call for proposals n°: FP6-2004-Mobility-10 (EXC) Deadline: 16.2.2005 Table 1: Eligibility check of submitted proposals (71399/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2012/06 EUB
Annex 2 Call for proposals: FP6-2004-Mobility-8 (EXT) Call for proposals: FP6-2004-Mobility-10 (EXC) Deadline: 16.2.2005 (71400/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2013/06 EUB
Annex 2.6.-2.7(EXC) : Commission provisional ranked list and Commission provisional reserve list Specific programme: Structuring the European Research Area Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Call for proposals: FP6-2004-Mobility-10 Deadline: 16.2.2005 (71401/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2014/06 EUB
Annex 2.6.-2.7(EXT) : Commission provisional ranked list and Commission reserve list Specific programme: Structuring the European Research Area Marie Curie Actions - Human Resources and Mobility Call for proposals: FP6-2004-Mobility-8 Deadline: 16.02.2005 (71402/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 2015/06 EUB
Towards the Seventh Framework Programme 2007-2013 (71403/EU XXII.GP)
15.03.2006 NON: 1468/06 EUTO
13. Programmausschuss Humanressourcen und Mobilität - HRM am 30.6.2005/16. Programmausschuss 6. Rahmenprogramm am 30.6.2005 (70752/EU XXII.GP)