Report Plurilateral Meeting on Financial Services (April 6, 2006) (75032/EU XXII.GP)


EU-V: Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Report Plurilateral Meeting on Financial Services (April 6, 2006)

Gruppe: Ad hoc Ausschuss Artikel 133 (Dienstleistungen)

betrifft Sitzung am 10.05.2006

Eingelangt am 15.05.2006, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit (Abteilung IK/1)

Datum EU-Datenbanknr. Dokument der EU-Vorlage Sprache Einstufung
15.05.2006 75033/EU XXII.GP
englisch VOR 2012

EU-Vorlage Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Please find attached for information the factual summary (drafted by Canada) of the plurilateral meeting on financial services that took place on 6 April 2006

Eingelangt am 15.05.2006, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit (Abteilung IK/1)

Datum Dok.Nr. Art Betreff
15.05.2006 NON: 2765/06 EUB Indicative Programme Services meetings 15th May to 24th May (75028/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 SON: SERVICES 88/06 EUB Note from the UK Government to the EU's Article 133 Committee (Services) on the Implementation of the Modalities for the Special treatment for Least Developed (LDC) Country Members (75135/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 NON: 2767/06 EUB WTO; GATS, CTSS - informal, LDC Modalities Sitzung vom 8. Mai 2006 (75031/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 SON: SERVICES 92/06 EUB Collective Request: Architectural, Engineering and Integrated Engineering Services 19 May 2006 (11:00-12:30), WTO Main Building, Room TBD (75034/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 SON: SERVICES 91/06 EUB Plurilateral meeting on Distribution Services Friday, 31 March 2006, 14:00, Geneva Factual summary of the meeting (75037/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 SON: SERVICES 90/06 EUB Independent Professionals (IP) Inclusion of category of IP in target Members' revised offers (75040/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 SON: SERVICES 89/06 EUB Plurilateral Meeting on Telecommunications Wednesday, 29 March 2006, 09:00, Geneva Informal Summary of Meeting (75044/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 SON: SERVICES 87/06 EUB Information Note by the Presidency Proposal for a Council Regulation on the negotiations of agreements on trade in services other than transport (75046/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 SON: SERVICES 86/06 EUB Plurilateral Negotiations on Energy Services Additional elements further to the first plurilateral meeting in Geneva (75047/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 SON: SERVICES 85/06 EUB Plurilateral Meeting on Environmental Services Additional Information (75049/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 SON: SERVICES 84/06 EUB Plurilateral Meeting on Environmental Services Wednesday, 3 April 2006, 3:00 pm, Geneva Factual summary of the meeting (75052/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 SON: SERVICES 83/06 EUB Plurilateral Meeting on Mode 4 3rd April, 2006 Summary of the Meeting (75054/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 SON: SERVICES 82/06 EUB Informal Meeting between ESF and Members of the "133 Committee Ad-Hoc on Services" of the Council of the European Union - Brussels, Tuesday, 23rd May 2006 - (75056/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 SON: SERVICES 81/06 EUB Plurilateral meeting on Energy Services Wednesday, 05 April 2006, 09:00, Geneva Factual summary of the meeting (75057/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 RAT: DS 355/06 EUB GATS Article XXI consultations - comments by other WTO members (75029/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 NON: 2769/06 EUB Vorschlag für eine Verordnung des Rates für die Aushandlung von Abkommen über den Handel mit Dienstleistungen mit Ausnahme von Verkehrsdienstleistungen Beschluss des Deutschen Bundesrates (75061/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 NON: 2775/06 EUB Bericht des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Arbeit über die Sitzung Ad hoc Ausschuss Artikel 133 (Dienstleistungen) vom 10.5.2006 (75134/EU XXII.GP)
15.05.2006 NON: 2768/06 EUTO Sitzung Ad hoc Ausschuss Artikel 133 (Dienstleistungen) am 10.5.2006 (75060/EU XXII.GP)