Technical aspects of the monitoring process - Report #7 on day-to-day interactions with jurisdictions (29068/EU XXVI.GP)

EU-V: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Technical aspects of the monitoring process - Report #7 on day-to-day interactions with jurisdictions

Gruppe: Gruppe "Verhaltenskodex (Unternehmensbesteuerung)"

betrifft Sitzungen am 10.07.2018, 24.07.2018 und 20.09.2018

Erstellt am 03.07.2018 von: Steuerpolitik, Ausfuhrkredite und Regionalpolitik

Eingelangt am 03.07.2018, U32 Übermittlung

Datum EU-Datenbanknr. Dokument der EU-Vorlage Sprache Einstufung
05.07.2018 29421/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Armenia: Progress Report and Law Exemption

Eingelangt am 05.07.2018, U32 Übermittlung

05.07.2018 29422/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Barbados: The credit for foreign currency earnings

Eingelangt am 05.07.2018, U32 Übermittlung

05.07.2018 29425/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Korea: Grandfathering of foreign investment tax incentive regime with respect to EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes

Eingelangt am 05.07.2018, U32 Übermittlung

05.07.2018 29450/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Uruguay: Law No. 15.921/Large document

Eingelangt am 05.07.2018, U32 Übermittlung

05.07.2018 29428/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Jordan: The Aqaba special economic zone law (part 1)

Eingelangt am 05.07.2018, U32 Übermittlung

05.07.2018 29426/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Jordan: The Aqaba special economic zone law (part 2)

Eingelangt am 05.07.2018, U32 Übermittlung

13.07.2018 30506/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Technical aspects of the monitoring process Report #8 on day-to-day interactions with jurisdictions

Eingelangt am 13.07.2018, U32 Übermittlung

18.07.2018 31571/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Supplements to Korea's position paper on the grandfathering of its Foreign Investment Zone - FIZ regime (KR001)

Eingelangt am 19.07.2018, U32 Übermittlung

18.07.2018 31572/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Progress report by Cook Islands

Eingelangt am 19.07.2018, U32 Übermittlung

18.07.2018 31570/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Progress report by Curacao

Eingelangt am 19.07.2018, U32 Übermittlung

09.08.2018 32745/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Technical aspects of the monitoring process Report #9 on day-to-day interactions with jurisdictions

Eingelangt am 09.08.2018, U32 Übermittlung

09.08.2018 32746/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Report to DG TAXUD and DG FISMA EU Listing Process: 2.2 Jurisdictions: Implementation of Commitments Guernsey: Collective Investment Vehicles (CIVs)

Eingelangt am 09.08.2018, U32 Übermittlung

09.08.2018 32777/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Jersey - ESMA-enforcement notes

Eingelangt am 09.08.2018, U32 Übermittlung

09.08.2018 32759/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Jersey - IOSCO-Enforcement principles (first part)

Eingelangt am 09.08.2018, U32 Übermittlung

09.08.2018 32747/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Panama - Answers to EU comments on Call Centres Draft Bill

Eingelangt am 09.08.2018, U32 Übermittlung

09.08.2018 32748/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Bahrain - statistics

Eingelangt am 09.08.2018, U32 Übermittlung

09.08.2018 32749/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Panama - Call Centres Regime

Eingelangt am 09.08.2018, U32 Übermittlung

09.08.2018 32761/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Panama Call Centres Regime - answers

Eingelangt am 09.08.2018, U32 Übermittlung

09.08.2018 32762/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Jersey - IOSCO-Enforcement principles (second part)

Eingelangt am 09.08.2018, U32 Übermittlung

09.08.2018 32763/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Jersey - IOSCO-Enforcement principles (third part)

Eingelangt am 09.08.2018, U32 Übermittlung

23.08.2018 33038/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Saint Lucia

Eingelangt am 23.08.2018, U32 Übermittlung

07.09.2018 33919/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Technical aspects of the monitoring process - Report #10 on day-to-day interactions with jurisdictions

Eingelangt am 07.09.2018, U32 Übermittlung

07.09.2018 33920/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Tax legislation in Botswana

Eingelangt am 07.09.2018, U32 Übermittlung

07.09.2018 33909/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Report of a bilateral meeting with the Republic of the Marshall Islands

Eingelangt am 07.09.2018, U32 Übermittlung

07.09.2018 33922/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Further information on the Isle of Man's CIV regulatory regime and sanctions

Eingelangt am 07.09.2018, U32 Übermittlung

07.09.2018 33921/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Response by Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man to Member States' comments

Eingelangt am 07.09.2018, U32 Übermittlung

10.09.2018 34046/EU XXVI.GP
mehrsprachig RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Exchanges with Panama on the Foreign Owned Call Centres (PA005) regime

Eingelangt am 10.09.2018, U32 Übermittlung

10.09.2018 34048/EU XXVI.GP
mehrsprachig RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Cabo Verde: first draft of changes to the International Business Centre (CV001) regime

Eingelangt am 10.09.2018, U32 Übermittlung

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
08.06.2018 RAT: 9875/18 EUST
Procedural/political aspects of the monitoring process: - Report #8 on interactions with jurisdictions/Large document (25417/EU XXVI.GP)
19.06.2018 RAT: 10273/18 EUST
EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - New letter from Samoa (27220/EU XXVI.GP)
22.06.2018 RAT: CM 3298/18 EUTO
Code of Conduct Group (Business Taxation) - Subgroup on third countries Date: 10 July 2018 Time: 10.00 Venue: COUNCIL EUROPA BUILDING Rue de la Loi 155, 1048 BRUSSELS (27839/EU XXVI.GP)
22.06.2018 RAT: 10409/18 EUST
The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Response by Palau to the questionnaire on criterion 2.2 (27708/EU XXVI.GP)
03.07.2018 RAT: 10777/18 EUST
Progress Report - Vietnam (29071/EU XXVI.GP)
03.07.2018 RAT: 10772/18 EUST
Progress Report - Barbados (29080/EU XXVI.GP)
03.07.2018 RAT: 10773/18 EUST
Progress Report - Jordan (29077/EU XXVI.GP)
03.07.2018 RAT: 10774/18 EUST
Progress Report - Korea (29081/EU XXVI.GP)
03.07.2018 RAT: 10775/18 EUST
Progress Report - Seychelles (29078/EU XXVI.GP)
03.07.2018 RAT: 10776/18 EUST
Progress Report - Taiwan (29076/EU XXVI.GP)
03.07.2018 RAT: 10771/18 EUST
Progress Report - Armenia (29070/EU XXVI.GP)
04.07.2018 RAT: CM 3299/18 EUTO
Code of Conduct Group (Business Taxation) Date: 24 July 2018 Time: 10.00 Venue: COUNCIL EUROPA BUILDING Rue de la Loi 155, 1048 BRUSSELS (29264/EU XXVI.GP)
04.07.2018 RAT: 10783/18 EUST
Draft assessment of the implementation of commitments (29156/EU XXVI.GP)
04.07.2018 RAT: 10806/18 EUST
Report of the bilateral meetings with EU Commission on 28 - 29 June 2018 (29228/EU XXVI.GP)
04.07.2018 RAT: 10805/18 EUST
Progress Report - Morocco (29225/EU XXVI.GP)
04.07.2018 RAT: 10807/18 EUST
Further coordination of defensive measures in the tax area Compromise text (29229/EU XXVI.GP)
04.07.2018 RAT: 10785/18 EUST
Procedural/political aspects of the monitoring process: Report #9 on interactions with jurisdictions (29293/EU XXVI.GP)
04.07.2018 RAT: 10809/18 EUST
Revision of the geographical scope of the EU listing exercise (29227/EU XXVI.GP)
04.07.2018 RAT: 10804/18 EUST
Progress Report - Mauritius (29226/EU XXVI.GP)
04.07.2018 RAT: 10831/18 EUST
Future beneficial ownership criterion 1.4 for the EU listing process (29246/EU XXVI.GP)
04.07.2018 RAT: 10823/18 EUST
Future criterion 3.2 for the EU listing process Implementation of anti-BEPS minimum standards (29247/EU XXVI.GP)
06.07.2018 RAT: 10913/18 EUST
Progress Report - Anguilla (29648/EU XXVI.GP)
13.07.2018 RAT: 11168/18 EUST
Data protection issues with Taiwan in the framework of the EU listing process (30622/EU XXVI.GP)
13.07.2018 RAT: 11167/18 EUST
Draft assessment of the implementation of commitments (30584/EU XXVI.GP)
16.07.2018 RAT: 11213/18 EUST
The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Progress report on Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) (30812/EU XXVI.GP)
18.07.2018 RAT: 11266/18 EUST
The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes Draft assessment of Palau's response to the questionnaire on criterion 2.2 (31524/EU XXVI.GP)
18.07.2018 RAT: 11255/18 EUST
Further coordination of defensive measures in the tax area Follow up to the subgroup meeting of 10 July 2018 (31456/EU XXVI.GP)
20.07.2018 RAT: 11326/18 EUST
Implementation of the 4 BEPS Minimum Standards by non-members of the BEPS: proposed approach and benchmarks for the monitoring process (31691/EU XXVI.GP)
20.07.2018 RAT: 11325/18 EUST
Criterion 2.2: follow-up issues following the meeting with jurisdictions on 28-29 June and the 2.2 Voluntary Group on 10 July (31690/EU XXVI.GP)
20.07.2018 RAT: 11269/18 EUST
The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Note by the Chair for the COCG meeting on 24/07/2018 (31708/EU XXVI.GP)
20.07.2018 RAT: 11327/18 EUST
The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes: compilation of country sheets (31697/EU XXVI.GP)
27.07.2018 RAT: 11462/18 EUST
Code of Conduct Group (business taxation) - Work Programme during the Austrian Presidency (32230/EU XXVI.GP)
09.08.2018 RAT: 11586/18 EUST
Bilateral meetings with jurisdictions, Seminar on tax good governance, Fiji, 31 July – 1 August 2018 (32760/EU XXVI.GP)
17.08.2018 RAT: 11639/18 EUST
EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Letter from Namibia (32890/EU XXVI.GP)
06.09.2018 RAT: CM 4016/18 EUTO
Code of Conduct Group (Business Taxation) - Subgroup on third countries Date: 20 September 2018 Time: 10.00 Venue: COUNCIL EUROPA BUILDING Rue de la Loi 155, 1048 BRUSSELS (33754/EU XXVI.GP)
10.09.2018 RAT: 12006/18 EUST
Draft legislation on criterion 2.2 by Jersey (34118/EU XXVI.GP)
10.09.2018 RAT: 12007/18 EUST
Draft legislation on criterion 2.2 by Guernsey (34111/EU XXVI.GP)
10.09.2018 RAT: 12018/18 EUST
Jordan - Draft amendments to Regulation no 125 of 2016 on the Development Zones Regime (JO002) (34121/EU XXVI.GP)
10.09.2018 RAT: 12005/18 EUST
Draft legislation on criterion 2.2 by the Isle of Man (34114/EU XXVI.GP)
13.09.2018 RAT: 12126/18 EUST
Draft guidance on criterion 3.2 of the EU listing exercise Compromise text (34597/EU XXVI.GP)
13.09.2018 RAT: 12122/18 EUST
Draft amendment to Jordan's Regulation on the exemption from income tax of profits from the export of goods and services (34595/EU XXVI.GP)
13.09.2018 RAT: 12110/18 EUST
Further coordination of defensive measures in the tax area: Follow up to the COCG meeting of 24 July 2018 (34454/EU XXVI.GP)
13.09.2018 RAT: 12109/18 EUST
Revision of the geographical scope of the EU listing exercise: Compromise proposal (34453/EU XXVI.GP)
13.09.2018 RAT: 12128/18 EUST
Criterion 2.2 Note on outsourcing prepared by Guernsey, the Isle of Man and Jersey (34598/EU XXVI.GP)
14.09.2018 RAT: 12195/18 EUST
The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Progress report Collective Investment Funds (34813/EU XXVI.GP)
14.09.2018 RAT: 12164/18 EUST
Future beneficial ownership criterion 1.4 for the EU listing process - Compromise text proposal (34711/EU XXVI.GP)
14.09.2018 RAT: 12198/18 EUST
The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Draft assessment of the implementation of commitments (34845/EU XXVI.GP)
14.09.2018 RAT: 12196/18 EUST
The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Progress report on Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man) (34814/EU XXVI.GP)
14.09.2018 RAT: 12197/18 EUST
The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes - Progress Report - Panama (34815/EU XXVI.GP)
18.09.2018 RAT: 12277/18 EUST
The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes – Bermuda – Criterion 2.2: draft legislation (35170/EU XXVI.GP)
18.09.2018 RAT: 12276/18 EUST
The EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes – Bahamas – Criterion 2.2: draft legislation (35168/EU XXVI.GP)
RAT: 7766/18 Draft Council Conclusions on the implementation of the "PRÜM DECISIONS" ten years after their adoption (17696/EU XXVI.GP)
RAT: 7762/18 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European citizens’ initiative - Presidency compromise proposal (17083/EU XXVI.GP)
Code Sachgebiet
FISC 277 Steuerfragen