Political and Security Committee (PSC) Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI) Date: 23 November 2018 Time: 10.00 Venue: COUNCIL JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS (43000/EU XXVI.GP)

RAT: CM 5198/18 PUBLIC

EU-V: Tagesordnung

Political and Security Committee (PSC) Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI) Date: 23 November 2018 Time: 10.00 Venue: COUNCIL JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS

Gruppe: Ständiger Ausschuss für die operative Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der inneren Sicherheit (COSI), Politisches und Sicherheitspolitisches Komitee (PSK)

betrifft Sitzung am 23.11.2018

Erstellt am 16.11.2018 von: Inneres

Eingelangt am 16.11.2018, U32 Übermittlung

Datum EU-Datenbanknr. Dokument der EU-Vorlage Sprache Einstufung
20.11.2018 43509/EU XXVI.GP
englisch PUBLIC

EU-Vorlage Tagesordnung

Political and Security Committee (PSC) Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI) Date: 23 November 2018 Time: 10.00 Venue: COUNCIL EUROPA BUILDING Rue de la Loi 155, 1048 BRUSSELS

Eingelangt am 20.11.2018, U32 Übermittlung

21.11.2018 43684/EU XXVI.GP
englisch PUBLIC

EU-Vorlage Tagesordnung

Political and Security Committee (PSC) Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI) Date: 23 November 2018 Time: 10.00 Venue: COUNCIL JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS

Eingelangt am 21.11.2018, U32 Übermittlung

Datum Dok.Nr. Art Betreff
26.10.2018 NON: 1070/18 EUB Invitation to a joint Meeting of the members of the Political and Security Committee (PSC) and the Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI) on 23 November 2018 (40228/EU XXVI.GP)
26.10.2018 NON: 1070/18 EUB Invitation to a joint Meeting of the members of the Political and Security Committee (PSC) and the Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI) on 23 November 2018 (40228/EU XXVI.GP)
13.11.2018 RAT: CM 5197/18 EUTO Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI) Date: 22 and 23 November 2018 Time: 15.00, 15.00 Venue: COUNCIL EUROPA BUILDING Rue de la Loi 155, 1048 BRUSSELS (42385/EU XXVI.GP)
16.11.2018 RAT: 14312/18 EUST Crime Information Cell Pilot Project - Final Report (42985/EU XXVI.GP)
22.11.2018 RAT: CM 5454/18 EUTO POLITICAL AND SECURITY COMMITTEE Date: 23 November 2018 Time: 8.30 Venue: COUNCIL JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS (43884/EU XXVI.GP)
22.11.2018 RAT: CM 5461/18 EUTO EXERCISE - POLITICAL AND SECURITY COMMITTEE Date: 23 November 2018 Time: 9.30 Venue: COUNCIL JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS (43907/EU XXVI.GP)
22.11.2018 NON: 1208/18 EUTO Political and Security Committee (PSC), 23 November 2018/Revised draft annotated agenda (44128/EU XXVI.GP)
22.11.2018 NON: 1204/18 EUTO Political and Security Committee (PSC), 23 November 2018/Draft annotated agenda (44095/EU XXVI.GP)
22.11.2018 RAT: 14632/18 EUST EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE Draft Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for the CSDP mission EUAM Ropperta EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE (44009/EU XXVI.GP)
29.11.2018 RAT: WK 14570/18 EUB Political and Security Committee (PSC) / Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI), 23 November 2018/Presentation (45365/EU XXVI.GP)
29.11.2018 RAT: WK 14570/18 EUB Political and Security Committee (PSC) / Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI), 23 November 2018/Presentation (45365/EU XXVI.GP)
19.12.2018 NON: 1343/18 EUB Co-Chairs' Report on the Joint Meeting of the members of the Political and Security Committee (PSC) and the Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI), 23 November 2018 (48619/EU XXVI.GP)
19.12.2018 NON: 1343/18 EUB Co-Chairs' Report on the Joint Meeting of the members of the Political and Security Committee (PSC) and the Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI), 23 November 2018 (48619/EU XXVI.GP)
21.12.2018 RAT: 15077/18 EUST Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI) (48844/EU XXVI.GP)
17.01.2019 NON: 70/19 EUB Joint Meeting of the members of the Political and Security Committee (PSC) and the Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI), 23 November 2018/Co-Chairs' Report (50642/EU XXVI.GP)
17.01.2019 NON: 70/19 EUB Joint Meeting of the members of the Political and Security Committee (PSC) and the Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI), 23 November 2018/Co-Chairs' Report (50642/EU XXVI.GP)