27.09.2019 | RAT: CM 4128/19 | EUTO | VORLÄUFIGE LISTE DER A-PUNKTE RAT DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION (Landwirtschaft und Fischerei) ECCL, Luxemburg 14. und 15. Oktober 2019 (76359/EU XXVI.GP) |
27.09.2019 | RAT: CM 4097/19 | EUTO | RAT DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION (Landwirtschaft und Fischerei) ECCL, Luxemburg 14. und 15. Oktober 2019 (10.00 Uhr, 10.00 Uhr) (76368/EU XXVI.GP) |
27.09.2019 | RAT: CM 4097/19 | EUTO | RAT DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION (Landwirtschaft und Fischerei) ECCL, Luxemburg 14. und 15. Oktober 2019 (10.00 Uhr, 10.00 Uhr) (76368/EU XXVI.GP) |
27.09.2019 | RAT: CM 4128/19 | EUTO | VORLÄUFIGE LISTE DER A-PUNKTE RAT DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION (Landwirtschaft und Fischerei) ECCL, Luxemburg 14. und 15. Oktober 2019 (76359/EU XXVI.GP) |
30.09.2019 | RAT: 12570/19 | EUST | African swine fever: state of play - Information from the Commission (76502/EU XXVI.GP) |
30.09.2019 | RAT: 12539/19 | EUST | European Bioeconomy Scene 2019 (Helsinki, 8-10 July 2019) - Information from the Presidency (76413/EU XXVI.GP) |
30.09.2019 | RAT: 12570/19 | EUST | African swine fever: state of play - Information from the Commission (76502/EU XXVI.GP) |
07.10.2019 | RAT: 12861/19 | EUST | Food safety: State of play on the major issues - Information from the Commission (77300/EU XXVI.GP) |
07.10.2019 | RAT: 12861/19 | EUST | Food safety: State of play on the major issues - Information from the Commission (77300/EU XXVI.GP) |
08.10.2019 | RAT: 12886/19 | EUST | Outcome of the International Ministerial Conference “Strengthening the generation and transfer of knowledge for the progress of agriculture and rural areas”, 23 August 2019, Ptuj, Slovenia - Information from the Slovenian delegation (77317/EU XXVI.GP) |
08.10.2019 | RAT: 12886/19 | EUST | Outcome of the International Ministerial Conference “Strengthening the generation and transfer of knowledge for the progress of agriculture and rural areas”, 23 August 2019, Ptuj, Slovenia - Information from the Slovenian delegation (77317/EU XXVI.GP) |
08.10.2019 | RAT: 12362/19 | EUST | BESCHLUSS DES RATES über den Abschluss des Abkommens zwischen der Europäischen Union und der Republik Belarus zur Erleichterung der Visaerteilung (77326/EU XXVI.GP) |
09.10.2019 | RAT: 12849/19 | EUST | Vorschlag für eine Verordnung des Rates zur Festsetzung der Fangmöglichkeiten für bestimmte Fischbestände und Bestandsgruppen in der Ostsee für 2020 und zur Änderung der Verordnung (EU) 2019/124 betreffend bestimmte Fangmöglichkeiten in anderen Gewässern – Politische Einigung (77715/EU XXVI.GP) |
09.10.2019 | RAT: 12884/19 | EUST | US additional duties on certain European agro-food products - Information from the Italian delegation (77390/EU XXVI.GP) |
09.10.2019 | RAT: 12882/19 | EUST | Serious damage caused by the Asian stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) to the fruit and vegetable sector - Information from the Italian delegation (77426/EU XXVI.GP) |
09.10.2019 | RAT: 12884/19 | EUST | US additional duties on certain European agro-food products - Information from the Italian delegation (77390/EU XXVI.GP) |
10.10.2019 | RAT: 12885/19 | EUST | Airbus-Boeing WTO dispute. Consequences for the EU agri-food sector - Information from the Spanish delegation (77531/EU XXVI.GP) |
10.10.2019 | RAT: 12888/19 | EUST | Joint declaration of Denmark, Estonia, France, Italy and Latvia on wolf management - Information from the French delegation on behalf of the Danish, Estonian, French, Italian and Latvian delegations (77627/EU XXVI.GP) |
10.10.2019 | RAT: 12885/19 | EUST | Airbus-Boeing WTO dispute. Consequences for the EU agri-food sector - Information from the Spanish delegation (77531/EU XXVI.GP) |
10.10.2019 | RAT: 12894/19 | EUST | Statement by the Ministers of Agriculture of Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Hungary, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain calling for the CAP budget to meet the new challenges faced by European agriculture and forestry - Information from the French delegation on behalf of the Austrian, Bulgarian, Cyprus, Czech, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Greek, Irish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourg, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak and Spanish delegations (77568/EU XXVI.GP) |
10.10.2019 | RAT: 12894/19 | EUST | Statement by the Ministers of Agriculture of Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Hungary, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain calling for the CAP budget to meet the new challenges faced by European agriculture and forestry - Information from the French delegation on behalf of the Austrian, Bulgarian, Cyprus, Czech, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Greek, Irish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourg, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak and Spanish delegations (77568/EU XXVI.GP) |
10.10.2019 | RAT: 12888/19 | EUST | Joint declaration of Denmark, Estonia, France, Italy and Latvia on wolf management - Information from the French delegation on behalf of the Danish, Estonian, French, Italian and Latvian delegations (77627/EU XXVI.GP) |
11.10.2019 | RAT: 12687/19 | EUTO | RAT DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION (Landwirtschaft und Fischerei) ECCL, Luxemburg 14. und 15. Oktober 2019 (10.00 Uhr, 10.00 Uhr) (77779/EU XXVI.GP) |
11.10.2019 | RAT: 12687/19 | EUTO | RAT DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION (Landwirtschaft und Fischerei) ECCL, Luxemburg 14. und 15. Oktober 2019 (10.00 Uhr, 10.00 Uhr) (77779/EU XXVI.GP) |
11.10.2019 | RAT: 13003/19 | EUST | Recent Listeria cases in the European Union - Information from the Belgian delegation (77700/EU XXVI.GP) |
11.10.2019 | RAT: 13003/19 | EUST | Recent Listeria cases in the European Union - Information from the Belgian delegation (77700/EU XXVI.GP) |
11.10.2019 | RAT: 12976/19 | EUST | Additional customs tariffs on certain European products entering the US market - Information from the French delegation (77689/EU XXVI.GP) |
11.10.2019 | RAT: 12976/19 | EUST | Additional customs tariffs on certain European products entering the US market - Information from the French delegation (77689/EU XXVI.GP) |
14.10.2019 | RAT: CM 4355/19 | EUTO | LIST OF ADOPTED 'A' ITEMS COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Agriculture and Fisheries) ECCL, Luxembourg 14 and 15 October 2019 (77977/EU XXVI.GP) |
14.10.2019 | RAT: CM 4355/19 | EUTO | LIST OF ADOPTED 'A' ITEMS COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Agriculture and Fisheries) ECCL, Luxembourg 14 and 15 October 2019 (77977/EU XXVI.GP) |
14.10.2019 | RAT: 12860/19 | EUST | Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing for 2020 the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks applicable in the Baltic Sea and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/124, as regards certain fishing opportunities in other waters - Political agreement (78088/EU XXVI.GP) |
28.10.2019 | RAT: 13107/19 | EUST | ENTWURF EINES PROTOKOLLS RAT DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION (Landwirtschaft und Fischerei) 14. und 15. Oktober 2019 (1086/EU XXVII.GP) |
28.10.2019 | RAT: 13107/19 | EUST | ENTWURF EINES PROTOKOLLS RAT DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION (Landwirtschaft und Fischerei) 14. und 15. Oktober 2019 (1086/EU XXVII.GP) |
22.11.2019 | RAT: 12921/19 | EUST | OUTCOME OF THE COUNCIL MEETING 3719th Council meeting AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES Brussels, 14 and 15 October 2019 (4029/EU XXVII.GP) |
22.11.2019 | RAT: 12921/19 | EUST | OUTCOME OF THE COUNCIL MEETING 3719th Council meeting AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES Brussels, 14 and 15 October 2019 (4029/EU XXVII.GP) |