Draft of the Presidency's reflection paper on stocktaking of the 2030 Agenda implementation at the EU level and way forward – a perspective of the Council of the EU (118909/EU XXVII.GP)

RAT: WK 14173/22 LIMITE

EU-V: Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Draft of the Presidency's reflection paper on stocktaking of the 2030 Agenda implementation at the EU level and way forward – a perspective of the Council of the EU

Gruppe: Gruppe "Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung" (Agenda 2030)

betrifft Sitzungen am 28.10.2022, 17.11.2022 und 07.12.2022

Erstellt am 21.10.2022

Eingelangt am 07.11.2022, Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten

Datum EU-Datenbanknr. Dokument der EU-Vorlage Sprache Einstufung
03.11.2022 118907/EU XXVII.GP
englisch LIMITE

EU-Vorlage Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Reflection Paper on stocktaking of the 2030 Agenda implementation at the EU level and way forward – a perspective of the Council of the EU/Czech Presidency presentation

Eingelangt am 07.11.2022, Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten

14.11.2022 120808/EU XXVII.GP
englisch LIMITE

EU-Vorlage Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Revised draft of the Presidency's reflection paper on stocktaking of the 2030 Agenda implementation at the EU level and way forward – a perspective of the Council of the EU

Eingelangt am 18.11.2022, Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten

15.11.2022 120809/EU XXVII.GP
englisch LIMITE

EU-Vorlage Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Revised draft of the Presidency's reflection paper on stocktaking of the 2030 Agenda implementation at the EU level and way forward – a perspective of the Council of the EU

Eingelangt am 18.11.2022, Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten

09.12.2022 124647/EU XXVII.GP
englisch LIMITE

EU-Vorlage Berichte u. Beratungsergebnisse

Reflection Paper on the stocktaking of the 2030 Agenda implementation at the EU level and way forward – A perspective from the Council of the EU/Written consultation

Eingelangt am 12.12.2022, Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten

Datum Dok.Nr. Art Betreff
17.10.2022 RAT: CM 4847/22 EUTO Working Party on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Date: 28 October 2022 Time: 10.00 Venue: COUNCIL JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS (116441/EU XXVII.GP)
25.10.2022 RAT: WK 14313/22 EUTO Working Party on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on 28 October 2022/Revised draft annotated agenda (118908/EU XXVII.GP)
27.10.2022 RAT: WK 14634/22 EUB 2023 legislative programming/Presentation by the Commission (118910/EU XXVII.GP)
27.10.2022 RAT: WK 14606/22 EUB European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN) Conference on 4-5 October 2022/Main messages (118904/EU XXVII.GP)
27.10.2022 RAT: WK 14632/22 EUB EU Voluntary Review on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development/Presentation by the Commission (118911/EU XXVII.GP)
28.10.2022 RAT: WK 14753/22 EUB Follow-up to the Conference on the Future of Europe/Presentation by the Commission (118905/EU XXVII.GP)
03.11.2022 RAT: WK 14864/22 EUB Conference on the Future of Europe/Czech Presidency presentation (118906/EU XXVII.GP)
10.11.2022 RAT: CM 5247/22 EUTO Working Party on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Date: 17 November 2022 Time: 10.00 Venue: COUNCIL JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS (119445/EU XXVII.GP)
14.11.2022 RAT: WK 15628/22 EUB First draft of the Chair's summary of the Commission Work Programme 2023 (120810/EU XXVII.GP)
16.11.2022 RAT: WK 15811/22 EUB 2023 Commission work programme/Presentation (120816/EU XXVII.GP)
16.11.2022 RAT: WK 15814/22 EUB EU Voluntary Review from the point of view of the European Economic and Social Committee/Presentation (120815/EU XXVII.GP)
16.11.2022 RAT: WK 15781/22 EUB Draft opinion of the Committee of the Regions on progress in the implementation of SDGs (120811/EU XXVII.GP)
17.11.2022 RAT: WK 15848/22 EUB Public Strategy for Sustainable Development (PS4SD): Peer 2 Peer for mainstreaming the SDGs in regulatory impact assessment/Presentation (120813/EU XXVII.GP)
17.11.2022 RAT: WK 15846/22 EUB Investing in Sustainable Development: Progress Report 2018-2020/Presentation by the Commission (120814/EU XXVII.GP)
22.11.2022 RAT: CM 5533/22 EUTO Informal videoconference of the members of the Working Party on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Date: 7 December 2022 Time: 13.30 Venue: Videoconference (121299/EU XXVII.GP)
06.12.2022 RAT: WK 17084/22 EUB European Semester 2023 Autumn Package/Presentation (124652/EU XXVII.GP)
06.12.2022 RAT: WK 16780/22 EUTO Revised draft annotated agenda of the Working Party on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (videoconference) on 7 December 2022 (124649/EU XXVII.GP)
07.12.2022 RAT: WK 17144/22 EUB European Youth Forum: Priorities for the EU Voluntary Review 2023 from a youth perspective/Presentation (124651/EU XXVII.GP)
07.12.2022 RAT: WK 17201/22 EUB Europe Sustainable Development Report 2022/Presentation (124648/EU XXVII.GP)
07.12.2022 RAT: WK 17160/22 EUB SDG Mapper: A tool to associate (strategy) documents with the SDGs/Presentation (124646/EU XXVII.GP)