Informal videoconference of the Code of Conduct Group (Business Taxation) Date: 21 September 2021 Time: 10.00 Venue: Videoconference (72739/EU XXVII.GP)

RAT: CM 4468/21 PUBLIC

EU-V: Tagesordnung

Informal videoconference of the Code of Conduct Group (Business Taxation) Date: 21 September 2021 Time: 10.00 Venue: Videoconference

Gruppe: Gruppe "Verhaltenskodex (Unternehmensbesteuerung)"

betrifft Sitzung am 21.09.2021

Erstellt am 14.09.2021 von: Steuerpolitik, Zollunion und Ausfuhrkredite

Eingelangt am 15.09.2021, U32 Übermittlung

Linkart Link
Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
28.10.2021 RAT: 13052/21 EUST
Anguilla - Final description and assessment (78159/EU XXVII.GP)
28.10.2021 RAT: 13054/21 EUST
Dominica - Final description and assessment (78160/EU XXVII.GP)
22.11.2021 RAT: 14227/21 EUST
Qatar's Foreign source income (FSIE) regime (QA004) - Final description and assessment (80996/EU XXVII.GP)
22.11.2021 RAT: 14223/21 EUST
Hong Kong's Foreign source income (FSIE) regime (HK009) - Final description and assessment (80993/EU XXVII.GP)
22.11.2021 RAT: 14222/21 EUST
Costa Rica's Foreign source income (FSIE) regime (CR003) - Final description and assessment (80991/EU XXVII.GP)
22.11.2021 RAT: 14224/21 EUST
Malaysia's Foreign source income (FSIE) regime (MY015) - Final description and assessment (80995/EU XXVII.GP)
22.11.2021 RAT: 14226/21 EUST
Panama's Foreign source income (FSIE) regime (PA008) - Final description and assessment (80994/EU XXVII.GP)
22.11.2021 RAT: 14229/21 EUST
Uruguay's Foreign source income (FSIE) regime (UY008) - Final description and assessment (80997/EU XXVII.GP)
Code Sachgebiet
FISC Steuerfragen
ECOFIN Wirtschafts- und Finanzfragen
REUNION Tagung/Sitzung