EU & International

European and International Operations

How do national parliaments get involved at the EU and international levels? What is "parliamentary diplomacy"? In this section, you will find information on the diverse EU and international activities of the Austrian Parliament.

Cooperation with other parliaments, participation in European decision-making, election observations, bilateral and multilateral meetings, parliamentary assemblies of international organizations - all of this is just a part of the many international arenas in which Austrian Members of Parliament (MPs) are active.

These activities of parliamentary diplomacy are supported by Service 6 "EU & International Affairs" of the Parliamentary Administration in terms of content, organization, and protocol.

Preview International - "A Glance Ahead"

In the current Parliament Week, you will find information and tips on selected EU or international events in the coming week.

The European Union

The European Union (EU) is not a state but rather a supranational organization. Since Brexit on January 31, 2020, 27 European states with a population of approximately 450 million citizens have been united in the EU. In the Union, the principle of equality of all members applies. Their national identity, including regional and local self-government, is respected by treaty. Within the EU, 19 Member States have a common currency, the euro.


EU Database

The EU database – the only one of its kind in Austria – offers a synopsis of documents of the EU and Austrian organs along with negotiations in the plenary and in the EU Committees of the National Council and the Federal Council. The documents are displayed starting from 1995. When classified as public, documents are accessible only from 2012.

Database (in German)


Parliamentary cooperation aims at deepening collaboration in the political and administrative levels along selected thematic and geographical focal points. In this way, the Austrian Parliament positions itself internationally, promotes exchange, and builds a corresponding network.



Parliamentarians from Europe and around the world meet regularly for multilateral parliamentary gatherings. They discuss global issues across national borders. Austrian parliamentarians regularly participate, for example, in the meetings of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Parliamentary Assemblies of the Council of Europe, the OSCE, NATO, the Union for the Mediterranean, the European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC), or the European Parliamentary Technology Assessment (EPTA).


Parliamentarians of all political parties of the Austrian Parliament maintain contact with MPs of other national parliaments worldwide and thus contribute to the cultivation of Austria's bilateral relations. Bilateral parliamentary groups provide an important framework for establishing continuity in the dialogue on topics of mutual interest and for building and deepening positive relationships through regular personal exchanges of information and views.

Protocol Matters

The many EU and international meetings require professional and extensive protocol as well as organizational preparation and support.