Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Hong Kong (1741/EU XXVI.GP)


EU-V: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Hong Kong

Gruppe: Gruppe "Verhaltenskodex (Unternehmensbesteuerung)"

betrifft Sitzung am 22.11.2017

Erstellt am 21.11.2017 von: Steuerpolitik, Ausfuhrkredite und Regionalpolitik

Eingelangt am 21.11.2017, U32 Übermittlung

Datum EU-Datenbanknr. Dokument der EU-Vorlage Sprache Einstufung
25.09.2020 32333/EU XXVII.GP
englisch LIMITE

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Hong Kong/DECLASSIFICATION

Erstellt am 25.09.2020 von: Steuerpolitik, Zollunion und Ausfuhrkredite

Eingelangt am 25.09.2020, U32 Übermittlung

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
13.11.2017 RAT: CM 4958/17 EUTO
Code of Conduct Group (Business Taxation) Date: 22 November 2017 Time: 10.00 Venue: COUNCIL LEX BUILDING Rue de la Loi 145, 1048 BRUSSELS (517/EU XXVI.GP)
16.11.2017 RAT: 14485/17 EUST
Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Brazil, Curaçao and the Faroe Islands (1273/EU XXVI.GP)
16.11.2017 RAT: 14487/17 EUST
Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Samoa, San Marino, Saint Lucia, Thailand and Uruguay/Large document (1219/EU XXVI.GP)
16.11.2017 RAT: 14486/17 EUST
Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Georgia, Jamaica, Maldives and Mauritius (1281/EU XXVI.GP)
16.11.2017 RAT: 14451/17 EUST
Information (1115/EU XXVI.GP)
17.11.2017 RAT: 14536/17 EUST
Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - San Marino, Swaziland, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates and Vanuatu/Large document (1437/EU XXVI.GP)
17.11.2017 RAT: 14535/17 EUST
Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Mauritius, Nauru, New Caledonia, Panama, Peru and Qatar/Large document (1438/EU XXVI.GP)
17.11.2017 RAT: 14533/17 EUST
Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Andorra and Seychelles/Large document (1436/EU XXVI.GP)
17.11.2017 RAT: 14534/17 EUST
Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Albania, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cook Islands, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Jordan, Liechtenstein and Malaysia (including Labuan)/Large document (1435/EU XXVI.GP)
20.11.2017 RAT: 14618/17 EUST
Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Cayman Islands (part one of two)/Large document (1648/EU XXVI.GP)
20.11.2017 RAT: 14537/17 EUST
Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Serbia, Bermuda, Cabo Verde and Guernsey (1634/EU XXVI.GP)
20.11.2017 RAT: 14617/17 EUST
Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Oman, Trinidad and Tobago and USA (1633/EU XXVI.GP)
20.11.2017 RAT: 14626/17 EUST
Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Cayman Islands (part two of two)/Large document (1649/EU XXVI.GP)
20.11.2017 RAT: 14615/17 EUST
Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Grenada, Isle of Man, Jersey, Marshall Islands and Montenegro/Large document (1647/EU XXVI.GP)
21.11.2017 RAT: 14726/17 EUST
Responses to the letter by the Code of Conduct Group - Greenland and Palau (1793/EU XXVI.GP)
21.11.2017 RAT: 14661/17 EUST
Vermerk für die Gruppe "Verhaltenskodex (Unternehmensbesteuerung)" (3429/EU XXVI.GP)
21.11.2017 RAT: 14715/17 EUST
Information (1782/EU XXVI.GP)
21.11.2017 RAT: 14660/17 EUST
Process leading to establishment of the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions (1722/EU XXVI.GP)
Code Sachgebiet
FISC 291 Steuerfragen