Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority "Facilitation of Illegal Immigration" (2196/EU XXVI.GP)

EU-V: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority "Facilitation of Illegal Immigration"

Gruppe: Ständiger Ausschuss für die operative Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der inneren Sicherheit (COSI)

betrifft Sitzung am 01.12.2017

Erstellt am 23.11.2017 von: Inneres

Eingelangt am 23.11.2017, U32 Übermittlung

Datum EU-Datenbanknr. Dokument der EU-Vorlage Sprache Einstufung
20.12.2017 6491/EU XXVI.GP
englisch RESTREINT

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority "Facilitation of Illegal Immigration"

Eingelangt am 20.12.2017, U32 Übermittlung

25.01.2018 9099/EU XXVI.GP
englisch PUBLIC

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority "Facilitation of Illegal Immigration"/PARTIAL DECLASSIFICATION

Eingelangt am 25.01.2018, U32 Übermittlung

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
21.11.2017 RAT: 14281/17 EUST
Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority: "Fraud and counterfeit non-cash means of payment" (1719/EU XXVI.GP)
21.11.2017 RAT: 14484/17 EUST
Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority "Environmental Crime" (1726/EU XXVI.GP)
21.11.2017 RAT: 14421/17 EUST
Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority: "Cannabis, Cocain and Heroin" (1761/EU XXVI.GP)
21.11.2017 RAT: 14257/17 EUST
Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority: "Excise Fraud" (1716/EU XXVI.GP)
21.11.2017 RAT: 13866/17 EUST
Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority "Criminal finances and money laundering and facilitate assets recovery" (1829/EU XXVI.GP)
21.11.2017 RAT: 14250/17 EUST
Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority: "MTIC Fraud" (1751/EU XXVI.GP)
21.11.2017 RAT: 14489/17 EUST
Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority: "Organised property crime". (1720/EU XXVI.GP)
23.11.2017 RAT: 14309/17 EUST
Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority "Synthetic drugs and new psychoactive substances" (2194/EU XXVI.GP)
23.11.2017 RAT: 14289/17 EUST
Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority "Child sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation" (2180/EU XXVI.GP)
23.11.2017 RAT: 14318/17 EUST
Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority "Firearms" (2198/EU XXVI.GP)
24.11.2017 RAT: 13713/17 EUST
Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority "Attacks against information systems" (2524/EU XXVI.GP)
27.11.2017 RAT: CM 5250/17 EUTO
JHA Counsellors / COSI Support Group meeting Date: 1 December 2017 Time: 10.00 Venue: COUNCIL JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS (2853/EU XXVI.GP)
27.11.2017 RAT: 14543/17 EUST
Draft Operational Action Plan 2018 related to the EU crime priority: "Trafficking in Human Beings" (2783/EU XXVI.GP)
28.11.2017 RAT: 14996/17 EUST
Evaluation of the Joint Action Days 2017 and input to strategic guidance for the planning of the Joint Action Days 2018 (3141/EU XXVI.GP)
29.11.2017 RAT: 14956/17 EUST
Summary Report of the National EMPACT Coordinators’ (NEC) Meeting held at Europol Headquarters on 16 and 17 November 2017 (3295/EU XXVI.GP)
Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
13.11.2018 RAT: 13658/18 EUST
Operational Action Plan 2019 related to the EU crime priority: "Facilitation of Illegal Immigration" (42352/EU XXVI.GP)
20.11.2020 RAT: 12991/20 EUST
Exceptional ad hoc sharing of EU classified information with the Court of Auditors (40397/EU XXVII.GP)