Preparation of the 40th Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) - working papers and information paper in the area of safety and air navigation - working paper in the area of environment (69329/EU XXVI.GP)

EU-V: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Preparation of the 40th Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) - working papers and information paper in the area of safety and air navigation - working paper in the area of environment

Gruppe: Gruppe "Luftverkehr"

betrifft Sitzung am 04.07.2019

Erstellt am 24.06.2019 von: Verkehr, Telekommunikation und Energie

Eingelangt am 24.06.2019, U32 Übermittlung

Datum EU-Datenbanknr. Dokument der EU-Vorlage Sprache Einstufung
24.06.2019 69402/EU XXVI.GP
englisch LIMITE

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Preparation of the 40th Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) - working papers and information paper in the area of safety and air navigation - working paper in the area of environment

Eingelangt am 24.06.2019, U32 Übermittlung

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
25.06.2019 RAT: CM 3381/19 EUTO
Working Party on Aviation (P.M. only) Date: 4 July 2019 Time: 15.00 Venue: COUNCIL JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS (69525/EU XXVI.GP)
28.06.2019 RAT: 10759/19 EUST
Preparation of the 40th Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) - working papers in the area of security (69928/EU XXVI.GP)
01.07.2019 RAT: 10856/19 EUST
Preparation of the 40th Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) - working paper in the area of safety (70090/EU XXVI.GP)
RAT: 13826/15 Preparation of the 39th Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) (82985/EU XXV.GP)
Code Sachgebiet
AVIATION 128 Luftfahrt
CLIMA 185 Klimawandel
RELEX 640 Außenbeziehungen
ENV 644 Umwelt
Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
25.06.2019 RAT: CM 3381/19 EUTO
Working Party on Aviation (P.M. only) Date: 4 July 2019 Time: 15.00 Venue: COUNCIL JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS (69525/EU XXVI.GP)