Neues im Bundesrat: Mail Nr: 2014

Selbständiger Entschließungsantrag - BR

Schriftliche Anfrage - BR

Gegenstand Datum

Gedenken anlässlich des Inkrafttretens des Vertrages von Saint-Germain (3740/J-BR/2020)
von Josef Ofner
an den Bundeskanzler


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3741/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an die Bundesministerin für Landesverteidigung


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3742/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an den Bundesminister für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3743/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an die Bundesministerin für Landwirtschaft, Regionen und Tourismus


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3744/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an die Bundesministerin für Arbeit, Familie und Jugend


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3745/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an den Bundesminister für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3746/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an den Bundeskanzler


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3747/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an die Bundesministerin für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3748/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an die Bundesministerin für EU und Verfassung im Bundeskanzleramt


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3749/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an den Bundesminister für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3750/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an die Bundesministerin für Frauen und Integration im Bundeskanzleramt


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3751/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an den Bundesminister für Finanzen


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3752/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an den Bundesminister für Inneres


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3753/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an die Bundesministerin für Justiz


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3754/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner
an die Bundesministerin für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie


Committee on the Rights of the Children on the combined fifth and sixth periodic reports of Austria (3755/J-BR/2020)
von Mag. Daniela Gruber-Pruner


Schächten in Österreich (3756/J-BR/2020)
von Marlies Steiner-Wieser
an die Bundesministerin für Justiz


Schächten in Österreich (3757/J-BR/2020)
von Marlies Steiner-Wieser
an den Bundesminister für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz
