Operationalization of the Pact – Action plans for strengthening comprehensive migration partnerships with priority countries of origin and transit Draft Action Plan : Afghanistan (68217/EU XXVII.GP)

RAT: 10472/21 LIMITE

EU-V: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Operationalization of the Pact – Action plans for strengthening comprehensive migration partnerships with priority countries of origin and transit Draft Action Plan : Afghanistan

Gruppe: Gruppe „Externe Aspekte der Asyl- und Migrationspolitik“ (EMWP)

betrifft Sitzungen am 12.07.2021, 17.09.2021, 13.10.2021 und 21.01.2022

Erstellt am 08.07.2021 von: Inneres

Eingelangt am 08.07.2021, U32 Übermittlung

Datum EU-Datenbanknr. Dokument der EU-Vorlage Sprache Einstufung
10.09.2021 72295/EU XXVII.GP
englisch LIMITE

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Operationalization of the Pact – Action plans for strengthening comprehensive migration partnerships with priority countries of origin and transit - Draft Action Plan responding to the events in Afghanistan

Eingelangt am 10.09.2021, U32 Übermittlung

08.10.2021 75880/EU XXVII.GP
englisch LIMITE

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Operationalization of the Pact – Action plans for strengthening comprehensive migration partnerships with priority countries of origin and transit Draft Action Plan: Afghanistan

Eingelangt am 08.10.2021, U32 Übermittlung

17.01.2022 86612/EU XXVII.GP
englisch LIMITE

EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Operationalization of the Pact – Action plans for strengthening comprehensive migration partnerships with priority countries of origin and transit Draft Action Plan: Afghanistan

Eingelangt am 17.01.2022, U32 Übermittlung

Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
02.07.2021 RAT: CM 3662/21 EUTO
Informal videoconference of the members of the Working Party on External Aspects of Asylum and Migration (EMWP) Date: 12 July 2021 Time: 9.30 Venue: VTC (67612/EU XXVII.GP)
06.07.2021 RAT: 10471/21 EUST
Update on the state of play of external cooperation in the field of migration policy (67910/EU XXVII.GP)
08.07.2021 RAT: 10473/21 EUST
Presidency discussion paper on the EU Strategy on Voluntary Return and Reintegration: reintegration and third country ownership (68199/EU XXVII.GP)
13.07.2021 RAT: CM 4028/21 EUCM
Working Party on External Aspects of Asylum and Migration (EMWP) - Request for written contributions on the draft action plan for Afghanistan (68814/EU XXVII.GP)
29.07.2021 RAT: 11039/21 EUST
Working Party on External Aspects of Asylum and Migration Operationalization of the Pact – Action plans for strengthening comprehensive migration partnerships with priority countries of origin and transit Draft Action Plan: Afghanistan - contributions submitted by Member States (70452/EU XXVII.GP)
02.09.2021 RAT: CM 4228/21 EUTO
Working Party on External Aspects of Asylum and Migration (EMWP) Date: 17 September 2021 Time: 10.00 Venue: COUNCIL JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS (71653/EU XXVII.GP)
10.09.2021 RAT: 11390/21 EUST
Operationalization of the Pact – Action plans for strengthening comprehensive migration partnerships with priority countries of origin and transit Draft Action Plan : Bosnia and Herzegovina (72201/EU XXVII.GP)
10.09.2021 RAT: 11392/21 EUST
Operationalization of the Pact – Action plans for strengthening comprehensive migration partnerships with priority countries of origin and transit Draft Action Plan: Tunisia (72200/EU XXVII.GP)
15.09.2021 RAT: 11389/21 EUST
Update on the state of play of external cooperation in the field of migration policy (72813/EU XXVII.GP)
05.10.2021 RAT: CM 4528/21 EUTO
Working Party on External Aspects of Asylum and Migration (EMWP) Date: 13 and 14 October 2021 Time: 10.00, 9.45 Venue: EUROPA BUILDING Rue de la Loi 155, 1048 BRUSSELS (75462/EU XXVII.GP)
06.01.2022 RAT: 5099/22 EUST
Participation d'un tiers à la réunion du Groupe Aspects extérieurs de l'asile et de la migration (EMWP) du 21 janvier 2022 - Approbation (85631/EU XXVII.GP)
12.01.2022 RAT: CM 1115/22 EUTO
Aspects extérieurs de l'asile et de la migration (EMWP) Date: 21 janvier 2022 Heure: 10:00 Lieu: CONSEIL BÂTIMENT JUSTUS LIPSIUS Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUXELLES (86128/EU XXVII.GP)
14.01.2022 RAT: 5351/22 EUST
Update on state of play of external cooperation in the field of migration policy (86489/EU XXVII.GP)
17.01.2022 RAT: 5156/22 EUST
Instrumentalisation des flux migratoires – retour d’expérience et voie à suivre dans la coopération avec les pays tiers (86611/EU XXVII.GP)
RAT: 10472/21 Operationalization of the Pact – Action plans for strengthening comprehensive migration partnerships with priority countries of origin and transit Draft Action Plan : Afghanistan (68217/EU XXVII.GP)
Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
08.07.2021 RAT: 10472/21 EUST
Operationalization of the Pact – Action plans for strengthening comprehensive migration partnerships with priority countries of origin and transit Draft Action Plan : Afghanistan (68217/EU XXVII.GP)
29.07.2021 RAT: 11039/21 EUST
Working Party on External Aspects of Asylum and Migration Operationalization of the Pact – Action plans for strengthening comprehensive migration partnerships with priority countries of origin and transit Draft Action Plan: Afghanistan - contributions submitted by Member States (70452/EU XXVII.GP)
Datum Dok.Nr.
Art Betreff
12.01.2022 RAT: CM 1115/22 EUTO
Aspects extérieurs de l'asile et de la migration (EMWP) Date: 21 janvier 2022 Heure: 10:00 Lieu: CONSEIL BÂTIMENT JUSTUS LIPSIUS Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUXELLES (86128/EU XXVII.GP)
02.07.2021 RAT: CM 3662/21 EUTO
Informal videoconference of the members of the Working Party on External Aspects of Asylum and Migration (EMWP) Date: 12 July 2021 Time: 9.30 Venue: VTC (67612/EU XXVII.GP)
02.09.2021 RAT: CM 4228/21 EUTO
Working Party on External Aspects of Asylum and Migration (EMWP) Date: 17 September 2021 Time: 10.00 Venue: COUNCIL JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS (71653/EU XXVII.GP)
12.01.2022 RAT: CM 1115/22 EUTO
Aspects extérieurs de l'asile et de la migration (EMWP) Date: 21 janvier 2022 Heure: 10:00 Lieu: CONSEIL BÂTIMENT JUSTUS LIPSIUS Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUXELLES (86128/EU XXVII.GP)
05.10.2021 RAT: CM 4528/21 EUTO
Working Party on External Aspects of Asylum and Migration (EMWP) Date: 13 and 14 October 2021 Time: 10.00, 9.45 Venue: EUROPA BUILDING Rue de la Loi 155, 1048 BRUSSELS (75462/EU XXVII.GP)