
Tag der Parlamentsforschung - Day of Parliamentary Research

Inhalt und Programm


How does knowledge get into parliament? How do parliaments deal with "uncertain knowledge"? How can a continuous exchange between science and politics be organized? These and other questions were discussed by Austrian and international scientists from different disciplines at the first Austrian "Day of Parliamentary Research". The conference combined lectures, panel discussions and poster presentations and was organized by the Legal, Legislative & Research Services (RLW) of the Parliamentary Administration. It promotes the scientific community's networking and furthers the exchange between science and parliamentary practice.

Detailed information on the program can be found at: Parlamentsforschung | Parlament Österreich.

Most of the event has been held in English. An exception is the panel discussion, which was held in German and has been simultaneously translated into English.

At the end of the event (approx. 5 p.m.), all participants have been able to exchange ideas over drinks in the Colonnaded Hall (Säulenhalle). Alternatively, there was the possibility to take part in a guided tour of the Building.


Welcome and Opening

Harald Dossi
Secretary General of the Parliamentary Administration

Keynote I: What do parliaments know? Advancing the study of science, knowledge and parliaments

Marc Geddes

Keynote II: How do parliaments know? Expert, lay and AI knowledge in law making

Iris Eisenberger 

Discussion with Keynote-Speakers

State of the Art of Parliamentary Research

Panel Session I

Different types of evidence in(to) parliamentary processes

The role of parliaments in international relations

Panel Session II

Parliaments dealing with uncertain knowledge

Representation, democratic culture and public perception

Panel Discussion

Science-policy interface und Parlamente: Wie kann ein kontinuierlicher Austausch gestaltet sein? 

Ruperta Lichtenecker, Abg. zum NR a. D., Abteilungsleiterin „Kompetenzzentrum Klima und Gesundheit“ in der Gesundheit Österreich GmbH

Michael Nentwich, Direktor des Instituts für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung der ÖAW

Johannes Pollak, Rektor der Webster Vienna Private University Wien 

Teresa Weber, Institute for Law and Governance, WU Wien

Guided Tour + Drinks